Yann's Recent Forum Activity

  • ok I'm in, come in the chan to explain how to proceed (:

    I also have VS studio 2010 if it can be usefull

  • If I create a global variable and try to set it I get this error :

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23551572/C2/Report/GV-crash.jpg" border="0" />

    If I create a sprite add an instance variable, and try to set the variable to 1 on start of layout I get a crash the moment I click

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23551572/C2/Report/IV-crash.jpg" border="0" />

    (I know Ash likes my little explanation pics :D)

  • ok I can reproduce your bug, I'll see about that

  • SoldjahBoy... n00bface :D

  • I agree with the graphic card theory (even if it's so unlikely)

    SoldjaBoy has the bug (crash on variable change)

    I have the bug

    Kyat doesn't have the bug

    and the only thing that I have in common with Soldy is the graphic card NVidia Card

    (I'm on 64bit he is on 32bit...)

    Although Kyat use an ATI card

  • Binary to decimal :

    example : 10110100 -> 180

    Well, binary to decimal if you don't put a binary number, that is to say, a number with only 1 and 0, it returns -1 (my way to say it's undefined)

    Decimal to Binary :

    example : 5670 -> "1011000100110"

    The weird thing is that you should be able to convert pretty high number

    from decimal to binary. As c++ tends to write high number with scientific notation (e.g. 1.54054006e082) I output the binary form in a string. So the only limitation to display it is the size of the text object you use.

    in each case, the function should return -1 if you put negative numbers or for the binary to decimal if you put a non binary number.

  • by "major" I understand "taller"

    That's not an issue if you put the origin at feet level

  • Hmmm I'm a bit too lazy right now to do any testing.

    But I think, in platformer, the benefit of using physics it for objects falling or objects interacting with other physics objects.

    So I think you should deactivate the physics behavior as soon as the platform character interact with it. Because the main issue with physics and platformer it the fact that platformer characters doesn't behave realistically.

    platformer character and physics object are in two different world with different rules.

    So deactivate physics on interaction with an non-physical object.

    I you want to throw a block, reactivate the behavior the moment the object is thrown and do a "set impulse"

    It may be a bit more complicated than what I just said, but the idea is to really think about what you expect to be from the physic world and from the platformer world. Pushing, Carrying, doesn't have to be physically right, but falling and bouncing should.

    That was my thought :D

  • Hi guys, just learnt how to play with c++ and how to make plugins

    Some little operator that CC didn't have yet.

    Well... I warn you, it might be difficult to find a good practical use for these but heh... Better too much tools than not enough

    Here is the plugin


    And a Demo cap to see what it's about


    This object as one condition and 11 expressions

    Conditions :

    • "Is bit set to One" check if a given bit in the bit field is set to 1, you can invert it to check for 0

    Expression :

    • AND :

        1 AND 1 = 1

        1 AND 0 = 0

        0 AND 1 = 0

        0 AND 0 = 0

    • OR

        1 OR 1 = 1

        1 OR 0 = 1

        0 OR 1 = 1

        0 OR 0 = 0

    • XOR (eXclusisve OR)

        1 XOR 1 = 0

        1 XOR 0 = 1

        0 XOR 1 = 1

        0 XOR 0 = 0

    • NOT

        NOT 1 = 0

        NOT 0 = 1


        45(101101) << 2 = 180(10110100)


        45(101101) >> 2 = 11(1011)

    • set to 1

        you can set any bit of a given bitfield to 1

    • set to 0

        you can set any bit of a given bitfield to 0

    • toggle

        you can toggle any bit of a given bitfield

    • decimal to binary

        convert decimal number to binary number (works only with positive number)

    • binary to decimal

        convert binary number to decimal number (works only with positive number)

    Have fun with it, and if you find some ways to use it, please tell me (:Yann2011-11-06 00:30:17

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  • Miu > it would be great if you could share .capx instead of zipped project for such test.

    This way I just have to download and run, and I don't have to create a folder and unzip a whole project just to run a c2 test.

    And for that, you just have to "Save as single file".

  • I tried with my good old not upgraded internet explorer 8 that doesn't support sh*t, and I got properly redirected to the html version (:

  • Player.X >= EnemyCactus.X-100   -> set EnemyCactus.Active to True
    Player.X <= EnemyCactus.X+100   -> set EnemyCactus.Active to True
    Is Active
    Every 2.0 seconds
                -> EnemyCactus Spawn Sprite 4 on layer 1
                -> Set Bullet angle to angle(EnemyCactus.X,EnemyCactus.Y,Player.X,Player.Y)
                -> wait 0.2 seconds
                -> EnemyCactus Spawn Sprite 4 on layer 1
                -> Set Bullet angle to angle(EnemyCactus.X,EnemyCactus.Y,Player.X,Player.Y)
                -> wait 0.2 seconds
                -> EnemyCactus Spawn Sprite 4 on layer 1
                -> Set Bullet angle to angle(EnemyCactus.X,EnemyCactus.Y,Player.X,Player.Y)

    And seriously, if you did really try to search a little bit, you would have seen that a topic like that was on the same page


    So be carefull it's annoying to say the same thing over and over