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  • I see, you might like my bit plugin I should release it

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  • puzzleDelgado.capx

    it seems you didn't properly split your picture, at least one sprite was scaled somehow.

    To split an image just import it as a sprite strip. It does wonders.Yann2011-12-28 02:22:14

  • well, be carefull, nobody know how much time it will take to have this feature. It's really not easty to implement (when I think about it).

  • I often use "|" but newline looks better and is easier to read

  • 3. Then I think it's not safe. Temporary datas aren't meant to keep datas in a long run.

  • Basically you need a way to tell your stars appart (an instance variable, or its position maybe) and a way to store their status across layout (global variables or global array)

    For instance, set your star sprites to have an instance variable name 'ID'

    Manually set each ID to a unique number each time you create a new star.

    In events things could look like :

    Global variable pickedList = ""  // List of picked stars
    System: On start of Layout
    System: For "" from 0 to tokencount(pickedList,newline)-2
        Star: ID = tokenat(pickedList,loopindex,newline)
            -> Star: Destroy
    Player: On Collision with Star
        -> System: Set pickedList to picketList&Star.ID&newline
        -> Star: Destroy
  • 1. dunno

    2. dunno, but I think browser's cache can have a configurable size limit... don't remember

    3. it depends on what you mean by that.

    4. Construct Classic isn't dead. Some contributors are still working on it (plugins, bug corrections,...). Also, construct classic makes exe files and only exe. These games will only work on windows OS.

  • I'm also an old mmf2 user and qualifiers are just a badly implemented version of what we call families in construct (I heard they will improve it for mmf3...).

    You already have them in construct classic, but it's not there yet for construct 2. Ashley is well aware of our expectations about families and I heard he is or will be working on it soon (:

  • vtrix:

    VelocityX and VelocityY are vector components, every movement can be broken up into 2 axial displacements.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23551572/C2/vectorMovement.png" border="0" />

    For instance if VelocityX = VelocityY and they aren't equal 0, the object moves diagonally.

  • Yeah basically, something secure should check if :

    • the game sent your score (and not by any other way)
    • you already sent your score (avoid flood)

    Because even I can code an evil application that will call "http://myurl.som/myscoringscript.php?user=plop&score=999999999" a thousand time :D

    The question is, how to be sure that it is your game that sent the values. And not an evil application or just a user entering the url in his web browser?

    Maybe you could generate a shared value between your server and the game like a random sessionID inside the game itself.

    But I think even that can be hacked looking at javascript values...

    So yeah, no real good solution yet.

  • Dunno there's no premade formula for animation. It depends on the pace and style of your game.

    • First make a prototype without animation to have a good feeling of pacing. In short, make it fun with only rectangles.
    • And then try attaching some animated sprite to your rectangle and set it to be invisible. Then you can test some timing with roughly sketched key poses and some in-between maybe.
    • Once your are satisfied, make the finished/polished final animations (:
  • Maybe you could stop its movement when it overlap the mouse.