> Any1 have any idea how to add 1 value to a variable for each object ordered by X(or anything else but each one must have 1 more value then the last one object)?
> But after they had their value added them it would stop..
> Then they would be organized with X.point by variable*100
> but if one of the objects would be deleted then instead of a 'hole' on the middle, they would be self-organized again.. Not sure if what I'm trying to do is clear in this post..
> I'm having trouble right now trying to re-organize the objects after one is deleted.. any ideas?
For each object ordered by x - set variable to loopindex
Not sure if i'm doing the right way.. this is the condition:
For each sprite ordered by Sprite.X ascending: Set Sprite.value to loopindex(loop name)
what is the name that I have to add?
edit: Just used loopindex without a loop name and worked, thanks newt