1. Backup your project: Copy the original `.c3p` file to a safe location.
2. Extract the `.c3p` file:
- Rename `yourproject.c3p` to `yourproject.zip`.
- Extract `yourproject.zip`.
3. Edit the JSON file:
- Navigate to the `objectTypes` folder.
- Open the JSON file with a text editor.
- Remove the duplicate animation entry.
4. Verify project structure:
- Ensure `project.c3proj` is in the root of the extracted folder.
5. Recompress the project:
- Select all files and folders in the extracted directory (including `project.c3proj`).
- Compress them into a ZIP file.
6. Rename the ZIP file:
- Rename the ZIP file to `yourproject.c3p`.
Ensure `project.c3proj` is at the root level of the ZIP, not inside another folder.