Hey everyone!
Having difficulties with a game i'm making regarding making a selected sprite deselect as well. To give it more context my game involves selecting three "blocks" (sprites), two being two numbers and the third being an answer block, also a number, that equates to the two blocks being selected using an operand (+,-,x,/). The operand is back end and you don't see it. Anyways, there are more than just three blocks on the playing field, 12 in total, 8 normal blocks and 4 answer blocks. The problem im trying to solve is that a player can only select three blocks at one time, if they are correct they will disappear, otherwise stay on the game board. So if another block is clicked/touched the oldest clicked block should return to its old animation. There are two animations that represent the block's state, cracked and solid.
Please help in the sense where I want the oldest clicked brick to return to its resting state. Any more detailed information that you may need please feel free to get me to expand.
Thanks in advance, cheers!