eviscerator's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey there. I've looked everywhere and I can't find the answer. I want to use the file object to launch .bat and .vbs files but with paramters so I can pass information from my Construct app to the script files. How do I do this?

  • I found out what my problem was. In case anyone else runs into this problem, simply right click on Filter and choose "Use expression"

  • Hello.

    I'm making a simple "move-the-boxes-to-the-right-spots" game (I think it's called Soukoban in Japanese). I'm using a simple tutorial by Minor78 as an example of how to make it so I can save my levels as small BMP pictures and then load them as a level in the game.

    I'm stuck at a certain point. I have some sprites where I need to change their color. My problem is that if I, in my game, select the same option as in the tutorial I can only select a color and define the RGB values. I can't seem to get it to let me use an expression like in the tutorial.

    I've included a screenshot of my game on my left screen, and the tutorial on the right.


  • ah I knew it was something simple. Thank you

    I already tried doing this: \" because that's how I do it in PHP. It changed the color of the string but still didn't work.

  • Hey guys. I have a, what I guess is a, simple question. How would I use the character " in a string?


    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2776515/construct%20-%20string%20problem.png">

    Outputs (for example):

    start /wait cmd /C slet_bruger_auto lbd[/code:2oz2y8gh]
    But I want this output:
    [code:2oz2y8gh]start "lbd" /wait cmd /C slet_bruger_auto "lbd"[/code:2oz2y8gh]
  • Maybe this'll help:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2776515/construct%20-%20play%20sound.png">

  • Thank you very much I think my sprites look a bit crude, but I guess as long as my game is fun that doesn't matter.

  • here is my game Base Invaders - a game (obviously) inspired by Space Invaders. It's still early in development, and I think it fades in comparison to the other games in this thread. Never the less, here are the 2 newest screenshots:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2776515/BaseInvaders/screenshot_27062010a.png">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2776515/BaseInvaders/screenshot_260810.png">

  • I use Construct on my computer at home on a Windows 7 computer, and sometimes at work too (also Windows 7). No problems encountered so far.

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  • This might help:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2776515/construct%20-%20play%20sound.png">

  • Hello.

    I use a dos command such as

    dir c:\ /s /b >files.log[/code:2960ku5n]
    to generate a file called [b]files.log[/b] that looks sort of like this:
    If I try to import this log file into a ListBox in Construct, it goes well. Except, this log file can easily reach the size of 55MB or more. If I try to import the file while it's that large, my application freezes and I have to close it forcefully.
    Is there anything I can do?
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Member since 26 Aug, 2010

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