once again, thats exactly what i was looking for, thanks <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
although, it turned out that apparently i have downloaded that plugin ages ago, i just didnt know (or forgot)how to find the expressions lol
i guess i was too caught up with the mouse cursor position and stuff.
im still kinda lost with how to operate with this.. im sure that its just a simple math problem again, but im a little confused how to convert the mouse.X to the player rotation. would i have to make a variable like for example ?mouselastX? to detect and compare that the mouse is moving on X axis?
also, how would it translate to actual action?
and i still get blocked by the cursor so the mouse X movement isnt infinite.
aaaand, that miniplugin isnt really an object, right? just a few expressions?
im sure im making things more complicated than they should be, but im still pretty much stuck with this hurdle, the rest of the prototype tests ive managed to get working, but the aiming/rotation is still the most difficult task lol.
funny since i could make the xbox controller work without problems, i think, but i want to prefer the mouse in this case <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />