Doing complex things with events can be very tedious and frustrating. Construct's "no errors" agenda can really hurt the debugging process, you need to place safety nets everywhere and it all becomes hard to read. Also events are generally slower than code, in some places MUCH slower. So I really recommend you to learn basic scripting stuff and use it where it makes sense, though PLEASE write code in TypeScript. Thank god Construct 3 now has built-in setup for it. Vanilla JavaScript is pretty dangerous to your mental health
Also, test your game on low-end devices, the earlier you start the better. Just doing testing on your mobile is really good (even if the game is not meant to mobile).
I agree that caring about performance too much is bad, and the main goal to actually make stuff first. But still, "don't care about performance lol" mindset can do bad things to you. You can ruin performance really fast if you don't know what are you doing. Especially since most popular usecase of C3 is making web+mobile games, and performance matters a lot there.
C3 is pretty bad at debugging performance, and this topic deserves its own article, but you can get some basic ideas with googling and practicing yourself and it would already help a lot.