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  • ok, sorry if this came out wrong. The website is in the making, but i can supply you with the legal data and info, like ID number of the firm, contact data, court info etc., so you can see Studio Spektar is legit and is working without any legal disputes in its history.

    http://www.poslovnamreza.hr/poslovna_ba ... tka=105132

    (an outtake from a national Croatian business index)

    Ashley, as for contracts, there are kinds of contracts that are legally binding if both sides accept the communicated arguments - in many cases dotted line isn't needed - these contracts are in a form of an offer made to more than one party- and are "signed" when another side takes an action that is denoted as accepting the contract - those contracts are called adhesive contracts and in this example they are "signed" by mentioned action (called concludend actions). Ie. when you enter the bus, you've "signed" a contract by merely entering and will pay a fee if found without ticket.

    I understand that there are reasons to feel uncomfortable, but this really IS a honest endevour to invest. I would pay up front, just to emphasize how really SERIOUS we are, but then comes the problem of us being scammed by you guys (no offense to those with honest intentions!) and also, it's impossible to pay up front, when we're not sure if we'll like the idea or not..

    Why "you're autmoatically accepting?..." Because we might have dillemas between a couple of projects, and we need to be sure that you won't change your mind when we lock the thread, so we need to be sure you guys mean business too. In other words, please don't post things you don't really want to work on, if we want to invest in you. If you do, you're making us a big disfavour, and to others who were your competition on the thread.Also, to minimize your risks, post things you wanted to work on anyway, so there is no loss if you don't get accepted.

    Also. When we finally make our choice, PLEASE, post to this forum when you get your money, so other people know we mean business and are not scammers.

    Thanks for the kind words, Mipey. I never had illusions that this thread will not produce some mistrust. If you find a web service on which i can send money to (something like a middleman of sorts) so you guys can see we're honest and serious), let me know.

    I'm sorry if people feel threatened by this post, but mere words won't do now, i think. You guys want the money, and we want a product we both can make more money with. Let's find a suitable solution to this problem and start working on it - i understand some people had bad experiences, but you're not the only ones - as investors we also had our share of scammers, so i totally understand.

    For now, you decide where you want to take this, and we'll reply and we'll reach a mutual agreement if possible.

  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Jurica, and i'm a sound, graphic designer and board game maker and a very noobish programmer . I've teamed up with a friend who is in a game making business and is a proud owner of Studio Spektar ltd., and we're bringing a humble business proposal to you guys, that goes like this:

    Our humble offer

    We're prepared to produce (meaning cover the costs) of the small but complete and original game you guys are making or already have made. The money isn't big, because this is a high risk investment and the emphasis is on future cooperation. We WILL pay through a contract and we offer a percentage on all sales and profit that the game makes, since we'll offer it as a digital download via Steam and etc..

    And about money. This isn't the offer for the big shots, naturally, since we're offering 400Euros in total. We're aware this may be peanuts to some, but we don't think so. It simply means the game will be small and the work required tailored to the money. So i'm sure we'll find some partners!

    What we need

    We need you guys to send on this thread the links to your games you're offering for production, so we can see if we want to endorse it or not. Also, this has to be an exclusive contract, meaning you haven't offered this game to anyone else. Also, you need to make sure to sustain your game, meaning patches, bug fixes, and even DLC if need be (this will, of course increase the money compensation)

    What kind of game does it have to be?

    An exe file, no flash only, it can be multi platform, but not required. It can be single or multiplayer game - it's really up to you. We recommend to keep it simple, but addictive and expansive, so people can look forward to future releases and enjoy leveling up, getting achievements etc...

    Again, to all of you who will laugh at this - please - most of the people here make games for free and make games because they love doing so. I don't see what's wrong in offering them money for what they love doing. It's up to you guys to decide whether 400euro is enough for your work.

    With this, i leave you to it and hope this thread will be flodded by your great ideas. When we have enough examples or demos posted, we'll pick our partner.


    When posting an example, you're automatically accepting, that in case we accept your offer, you will finish the entire project by the standards made in this post, as well as with our suggestions that may enhance the gameplay, but not change it in a substantial way (ie. our suggestions will not increase the costs by making you add more content).

    Also, you're renouncing your right to publish the code for the game anywhere and keep it secret from the community until we, your publisher, decide that you can.

    We keep the right to cancel this offer if the examples posted don't satisfy the criteria of our liking at any time.

    The money will be wired or sent via western union, in which case you cover the expenses of transaction.

    That's about it - if we missed any important stuff, be sure to ask on this thread or PM me, and I'll be glad to answer - let the posting begin!

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  • sure, what did you have in mind when you said teaming up? i'd love to be hand held throughout the process, since this is literally the first thing i did in construct or anything even closely related to programming

  • ok, here's a question i have: after i've made conditioning for all the situations in the game, i wanted to display score, then empty the board and start over, while keeping the score. I can reset the variables, but i don't know how to remove X and O that are all over the board.. a little help please

  • ... and my tic tac toe game is done.. now i wonder if i could optimize the code better? here's what i did:

    • created layout lines, made a grid. In the grid "boxes", created 100% transparent boxes, made a circle and made an X
    • declared global "turn" variable, to decide who's turn it would be
    • declared private box variables to detect if a sign is placed - box 1,2...9
    • Conditioned the following for each and every box:

    if mouse button is clicked, check if the box is taken. If not, create circle at pivot point of the box, offset 0,0, set global "turn" variable to 1

    if global turn variable is 1, and a box isn't taken, place an X inside....etc.

    So my question would be: is there an easier way to do this? i had to copy paste some actions, but it gets frustrating to change the little things inside the code for every box.. i think there is something about families or functions that can solve this...


  • hehe, thanks Miha darn, i'm so passionate about all this that i actually have a friend who has a board game making company. if he's down with that, i'll soon offer some business propositions with a cash offer for a good programer on our small team, or even for some tutelage! Still, it's to early to talk about these things... I have so many ideas (some of them good!) to make a board game, a card game or TBS game... then sell these on steam or wherever..what do you guys think of that? is there a market for it? what are prerequisites to make a game for steam?

  • [quote:26x1jb4w]I disagree about a chess game being really hard

    I think it would pretty simple actually

    Except for the AI, that would be hard

    I don't think there's been a chess game yet

    But I loved archon back in the c64 and amiga days, and had considered making a similar game myself for construct or android.

    Wow, that would be great! I'd just LOVE playing that game, cause i'm a huge fan of archon on c64. I saw some remakes, but it just wasn't the same...

    I think you're thinking about the learning process the wrong way, though

    A burden?

    Well, i've been lurking for quite a while and trying to decypher all your discussions, but i fail to grasp all that math, physics and i start to think that even the simplest things require a lot of math. Making board games is a lot easier - it's all about balancing and making it simple, expansive, addictive. I even have some papers done on an MMO, but that was way back then, when i thought making games was..doable I won't give up and your post was really REALLY helpful and motivating, so thank you very much!

    All the masterful masters of mastery on scirra that I can think of went through a period of asking questions all the time, occasionally simple noob questions, some more insightful.

    I read some posts about people flaming some people who asked one question too many, so i was a bit afraid if i'll cause the same reaction.. good to know my fears were unfounded

    It is possible you're right and you just don't have the knack for understanding programming logic, but being from a board game design background I think you might have it in you, since you probably used to thinking in a step by step, rule based way about games.

    Not only that, but law school as well I'm all about rules, but i think i think too much in the box - most of the solutions to the programming problems here are quite unique and interesting, like making an animation instead of introducing a bunch of sprites.. now i'm not sure if i'd ever think of that, so if that's what it takes on a task-per-task basis, i'll be literally flodding the forum with my questions... However, yeah, i think when i get enough of experience i'll be able to grasp the concepts i need to grasp...

    Start trying stuff and you'll probably have that Eureka! moment where it all starts to click. Do the ghost shooter tutorial

    Trust me, i started

    Start a tic tac toe game, and if two seconds in you realize you don't know how to make an x appear where you click, then great, you have your first question. Good luck

    Ok, i'll do that after this (long) reply. Again, you have no idea how much your reply means to me

    And just curious, you have an interesting name, may I ask which language/gender jurica is?

    Aw, maybe i'll dissapoint you here(?), but it's a typical guy's name for a person from Croatia. Where're you from?

  • Hello everyone! My name is Jurica and i'm a board game designer and an amateur illustrator. I have quite a few ongoing board game projects, so i wanted to translate some of my concepts into an digital form. The problem is that i'm not very good at grasping the logic behind the construct. I guess i lack the tallent. Still, i'm not giving up - i've been lurking quite a long time on these forums, and i have a question with my game - to you it may be simple, but for me it's huge I'm making an archon-like game, in one player controls an army of fantasy creatures, against the other. But let's not get ahead of ourselves -just one answer is enough for all my questions:

    • is there an example of a chess game for construct? i'd love having one, as i could learn almost everything i need to know for my game...

    thanks and sorry if i was a burden on anyone!

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