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  • Thanks for the advice!

  • Hello. I'm been playing around with this in my head, but I can't seem to nail down how I would do it. I was wondering how I would have the camera move for only a part of the layout. The best example of this I can find is Pinbot for the NES. Notice how the camera stays in position for the lower half of the screen when the ball moves away, but you can still see the flippers.

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    Any ideas on how you could do something like this in construct? I'm not just looking to make it move with the camera. I want to make sure that any interactions that happen in that part of the layout are also displayed.

    An easy way to say it would be Picture in Picture.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Also I know that it will not display in preview. This is after I've exported the project.

  • This has been driving me up the wall for the last hour. I build a custom layout per ... ng-screens instruction. Yet the C2 one still pops up skipping mine all together. My layout is triggering the complete action because its going right to the menu after the C2 loading. Am I missing something? I made sure to set the loader layout. Is there a layout style option I'm missing?

  • I hate to be the one who resurrects solved threads. But just a thought.

    How would one modify this to move left or right using the arrow keys?

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  • I hate to be the one who resurrects solved threads. But just a thought.

    How would one modify this to move left or right using the arrow keys?

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Member since 30 Apr, 2015

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