Ouisri's Recent Forum Activity

  • Okay, I'm back, sorta.

    I used that server to avoid the connectivity problem the other server has. Then the university got really damaged by the quake. =/

    So now I'll upload it in the usual server that is invisible from certain countries. Oh well.


    What it does is present buttons with options, which take you to new dialogs with new options. This could be used to make dialog trees in Construct, where the dialog is stored in easily modifiable ini files.

    There is one bug that I can't quite pin down, so if the dialog doesn't go where you would assume it would go, that's the bug. It seems to happen in very specific places.

    I've got it this time..Thanks man.

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  • I have a very similar problem, but not from Pencil tool. My friend told me that my problem come from setting of alpha channel which I really don't understand since i'm a beginner too. Finally I going back to start from original image again. Hope you don't give up like me..

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Member since 5 Aug, 2010

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