looking to add system dialog functions for the following so they can be used:
SysCnds.prototype.PickSiblings = function (obj)
if (!obj)
return false;
// Get the current sol
var sol = obj.getCurrentSol();//return obj.solstack[obj.cur_sol];
var instances = sol.getObjects();
var select_all = sol.select_all;
// Index out of range: condition false (no wraparound)
if (instances.length != 1)
return false;
var inst = instances[0];
cr.clearArray(sol.instances);//TRUNCATE ARRAY TO 0 LENGTH
for (j = 0, lenj = sol.siblings.length; j < lenj; ++j)
if(sol.instances.length < lenj)
sol.instances[j] = inst.siblings[j];//.getInstanceByIID(sol.instances[j].iid);