You had made a mistake in your Splashscreen. You had set the main sprite to be invisible on start, therefore it doesn't show. You should have just set it's opacity to zero, then when you incremented the sprite opacity in Event Sheet 1, it fades in nicely.
I exported it as a test HERE.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can either zoom individual Layers, or the whole Layout, both via the System object.
Yeah, a certain delgado seems to like collecting those badges.
I was trying to be polite in not naming names, but having just seen what Tokinsom referred to...... Hell's Teeth! Utterly pointless :(
You are a very bad person :)
Actually, I have noticed old threads suddenly having banal comments being made on them, so you may be be on to something :/
I think you're mixing your metaphors a bit :)
It's "pot calling the kettle black" and "calling a spade a spade", which mean 2 different things :)
I think you meant the former, see wikipedia.
Not sure if I needed to re-run with updates, but:
Teat 1: Same as previous post
Test 2: Seems smoother. Pink thing looks as if shrinks and grows as it rotates along axis. Values go from negative to positive as it rotates.
Test 1: See 4 pink 'things' in the centre and numbers in all corners = -189.388259887695
Test 2: Pink thing scrolls up or down, depending on which way I scroll, so I guess this works.
My config in my sig.
I'm with PixelRebirth on this. Bandwith issues aside (speed, capping etc), just the simple fact that some users bought a license on the understanding that an exe exporter would be available at some time. The fact that you seem to be now moving away from this is not a good thing.
Disappointing, if true.
Firebox says it's an "uncaught exception: Assertion Failed", so it must be a bug.
^^^ EDIT ^^^
Just noticed R65 has been released that - I think - fixes this :)
Yep. Just checked and fixed in R65 :)
Have you tried setting the 'Loop' property in the Properties window on the left for whichever animation you want to loop?
When in Edit Animations, highlight the particular animation, then change it's loop property from (default) no to yes.
Is this what you mean?
Surely that's the whole point of initialization.
On level start, variables - global or instance - should be setup by the programmer accordingly.
I just deleted a frame from an animation and Undo worked for me. You have to use the undo on the 'Home' menu, but it still works, or do you mean something else ?
Member since 30 Jun, 2010