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  • Both dictionary and array objects can do this just fine. Save the data as a JSON string and use the node webkit object to write that to a file wherever you want. The manual contains all the info on this.

  • Nah. Only difference is the images for both players will be loaded at the start since they're in the same object, which isn't a big deal either.

  • Depends on the game. C2 doesn't necessarily provide what you need to build a decent level editor. Some examples...

    -Can't retrieve instance variable name or index

    -Can't set instance variables by expression or index

    -Can't create objects by name

    -No menu bar

    -Very few windows controls

    -Tilemap object is designed only for edit time

    -Editor has to be contained in the project it is used for if you want to use the same objects and all, which can be quite the problem.

    Which kind of sucks because if you want to build a custom editor for, say, a metroidvania or zelda-style game, you're pretty much screwed. C2's layout editor is fantastic for level-based games though.

  • RamPackWobble

    -Most platforms will be static, yes, but it'd be great if they work with moving platforms too.

    -Anywhere from 1 to 10 I imagine.

    -Yes they will just walk past eachother on the same wall

    -They can have varying speeds

    -They don't react to the player at all, but I might have an object to turn them around upon collision.

    LittleStain Yeah I've tried but never got farther than square/rectangular platforms. As soon as the slopes and round surfaces come in I'm lost. Once with just events and once with the platform behavior. I'd really like this to work with physics

  • Sorry I should have mentioned that! It will jump when you click on it, or when it collides with special trigger objects.

    It will jump like any other platform character with different gravity angles, and only clings to other platforms upon contact. When this happens it rotates (clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the direction) until its "feet" are on the ground, and then proceeds. As shown in Example 2, it will always move in the same direction, only turning around when touching special objects. So yes it will infinitely loop around the L-shaped platform at the end of Example 2.

  • I used to do this in CC with the Color Replace shader and Image Manipulator Object. If there's a C2 plugin that can retrieve the color of a pixel + offset vars then it's definitely possible.

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  • I'm looking to make a "wall-tracing" movement like the zoomers/geemers from Metroid, but more complex, and hopefully physics-based. Not only will they move along more types of surfaces (square, circle, slopes) and rotate smoothly around them, but they can do a short hop and cling on to other platforms upon contact, including moving/swinging/rotating platforms.

    Like so...

    <img src="" border="0" />

    ...Unfortunately I've had a really tough time getting this to work. After a week or so of screwing around with it and modifying existing wall-tracing examples, I am stumped.

    Anyone else willing to give it a shot?

  • Try this instead:

    +on "BoomboxExplodeNow"

    +For "" from 0 to 7

    -Create [StandardEnemyBullet]

    -Set angle of motion to loopindex*45 degrees

  • justifun That is exactly the same as just turning the water/lava into solids. The problem is that the object becomes a solid for anything with a behavior, not just the player. (Water enemies are pushed out, everything else treats it like any other floor, etc.)

    shinkan Yep, very easy if you wrote your own collisions but I'm using built-in behaviors so pretty much all collision stuff is out of my control.

  • Sorry to bump but are there any plans to add this? It's been requested almost a dozen times and would really come in handy for an ability in my game. It allows you to walk on water, lava, spikes, etc. which requires turning them into solids - but if they are solid then everything else can walk on them too!

  • Can we please have the option to disable collision cells? Almost every platform enemy in my game is now stuck in the floor or has fallen through a jumpthru platform by the time I get to them. Also if you have a collision object stretched wider than the window size it will often not register collisions.

    I've tried to reproduce these things in a new .capx but for some reason it works fine every time. I've also tried fixing it myself with events but this just causes more bugs elsewhere.

    Not sure what to do about this, and considering I have ~9 months invested in this game it's too late to change how enemies are spawned and all. So, please, can we just have an option to disable collision cells? It seems I'm not the only one having problems with them either!

  • 1) Tile picker. In Tiled you can right-click + drag to select a group of tiles that have already been placed on the canvas. This is great for making patterns & arrangements of tiles to place elsewhere, and generally speeds up the whole process as you don't have to move the mouse all the way to the tilemap window and back all the time.

    2) Set visibility of individual tiles. There are a few uses for this but in my case I need it for a Metroid style mini-map (tiles are revealed as you progress) and destructible terrain that regenerates over time.

    3) It's been requested before but variables for individual tiles would be amazing. They can be used to define terrain types, animated tiles, and more. Currently you need a whole new tilemap object for each terrain type and all which isn't very practical.

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