Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley Working on my first game with HD graphics. We are importing images and scaling them down in the layout editor to preserve image quality when zooming and such. This is a massive pain in the neck because instead of setting the scale to 0.75 or whatever I have to bust out the calculator and lower the width and height by certain percentages...for every single asset...and there are hundreds. You can already adjust a sprite's scale via events, so can we just have a parameter to do it in the object properties as well? I don't see how people work on HD games without this!

  • This has helped us tremendously with variable width spritefonts. Fantastic work! I was wondering though, could you add a vertical shift as well?

    Each character is either pushed up to the edge of its grid square, or takes up the whole thing, so we're having a hard time modifying them in photoshop. In this particular case we want to add a thick outline. We can try shifting everything over a bit and increasing the size of the grid squares, but I worry that will screw up the spacing.

  • Ashley At the very least we need an option to enable/disable effects in the object properties. What if I want one instance with an effect and another without it, or a different effect? How hasn't this been added yet O_o; Currently you have to clone the entire object.

    -A String is just text. For example, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is a string.

    -JSON is basically just a type of data that uses text. In C2 it's mostly used to store all the information about something to use at a later time, like an array, a dictionary, or an entire object's properties & state.

    -Absolute value is a number's distance from 0. Positive is above 0, negative is below 0. abs() is commonly used to just convert a negative number into a positive one. Like abs(-100) turns into 100.

    -Instance Variable is just a variable that belongs to an object. For example, say you make an enemy object. When you place this enemy in the a layout, it is known as an Instance. You can give the enemy a variable like "Strength", and each instance can have a different value for it.

    -Save & Load are built-in actions to save or load your gameplay. I don't use them because you can't access every bit of information that has been saved. Instead I store data in arrays or dictionaries, and save them to local storage as JSON strings. Local storage is just a way for browsers to store data for a bank of data I guess.

    Just keep reading the manual and learn from example .capx's around the forums or on the store. You'll get it eventually

  • Sorry to keep you guys waiting! If all goes to plan the Metroidvania Game Kit will be out this weekend.

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  • DurandalCorp "Metroidvania" just refers to the room-based open-world system that both Metroid and later Castlevanias used. I think Metroid did a much better job at it so that's what this is modeled after.

    Anyway, no, sorry. There are collectibles and a sub-screen to see what you have, but no real inventory. They're fairly simple to make and I'm sure there are a few examples and such around here somewhere.

  • ""As for efficiency and performance, frames are packed into texture atlases when exporting anyway, so delaying the processing or not should be negligible.""

    True but now C2 is importing a sheet, slicing, and then putting it all back into a sheet on export, so why bother XD; All this really does is give you extra space for image points and let you crop...meanwhile drastically increasing preview times and bloating your project with thousands of images & folders.

  • Very soon. I lost my internet and SVN server for almost 2 weeks but we're back on it now. Tip: Avoid Comcast like the plague.

  • Refeuh Check out pyxel edit or SuperPowers game engine. They animate by "focusing" cels on a spritesheet/grid instead of slicing a sheet into individual images. This is far more efficient and lets you swap the source sheet on the fly for multiple characters or whatever, among other things.

  • Nope. Technically you can do this with 3rd party plugins that weren't meant for it

    I think C3 is switching to spritesheets over individual frames. More versatile and efficient.

  • C-7 Yeah that doesn't sound too bad, actually. I just prefer dictionaries because of the named keys.

    Off topic but for "item persistence" you mentioned at the end there, I prefer using dictionaries for that too. You can add a key with the object's IID and layout, then refer to that to see if it's collected or not. No need for manual checks or spreadsheet/array reference! I can see how that would be better in some cases, though.

  • fldr The crash was fixed, yes. The feature is still busted though...

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