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  • Sounds like your animations are conflicting..I think..kind of confused..You have 2 separate animations for walking and running, right?

    What if you make a variable called running, and when it's 0 set the animation to walking, and if it's 1 set the animation to running? You could also store the current walking frame in a variable, then set the running frame to that and resume to have the running animation pick up where the walking one left off.

    Or yes, just post a .cap ^^;

  • Much obliged :)

  • Oh cool. Thanks man!

  • Clever.

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  • It seems C2 doesn't recognize zeropad(). Has it not been added yet? Is there a way to simulate zeropad() with just events?

  • I imagine some of this stuff just hasn't been implemented yet (as it's already in Construct Classic) but I thought I'd post it anyway.

    -The ability to tab through object properties and such. I prefer using the numpad on the right side of the keyboard here, so I constantly have to alternate between that and the mouse.

    -The ability to collapse sub-events

    -"Auto-finish/correct" expressions. If you type something like player.x and press enter, it will be changed to player.X first. You have to press enter again to close the window. I know, it's not a big deal, but it is kind of annoying sometimes when I'm working quickly! It would be cool if the expression is just 'corrected' automatically, like in this case, as soon as I type in x.

    -More hotkeys for the event sheet editor. Maybe s for a new sub-event, t for toggle, e for new event, c for comment? This one's kind of pushing it, but what about - or + plus hotkey to make a new event/condition/action above or below the currently selected one?

    -Hold left mouse click + use mouse wheel (or arrow key) to move a condition, action, or event up or down a slot.

    -Copy & Paste frames in the image editor.

    -More of a bug I think..Dragging an event under a different event that has sub-events doesn't work.

    Hm I thought I had more than this..might add to it later!

  • This is so badass, Lucid! Looking forward to the finished product.

  • Any chance badges will be awarded in this competition? :)

  • i know guys but you can?t draw just like that (i mean even if you have graphics gale , you can?t use it) can you guys post the program you use and how to use

    it . It would help me alot

    I use Graphics Gale...with a mouse and keyboard.

    (I seriously don't know what answers you were expecting aside from that lol)

    But yeah..wouldn't hurt to just check out the instruction manuals!

  • I'd just give each enemy a private variable that decides if you've grabbed it or not. When your projectile ring thing collides with the enemy, set the value to 1. When that value is 1, deactivate the enemy's behavior (or just create a new object and destroy the enemy) and position it to the top of your player. You can then have another value to tell the player if he's holding something or not, and change his animations.

    To throw an enemy or object just give it the ball behavior with gravity and, upon throwing, set it's x,y velocities.

    Sorry maybe not the best explanation but there isn't much to it!

  • Er..Graphics Gale, Photoshop, Gimp, MSPaint, you name it. Also, google much? There are hundreds of pixel art tutorials out there.

    Good luck soldier.

    edit: Btw the open topic forum is more suited for this kind of stuff o. o

  • The "Set Deceleration" action for the platform movement changes its acceleration, not the deceleration. "Set Acceleration" works correctly, though.


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