EDIT: Okay, the diagram shows 23 gang members each (lol) but that doesn't change anything
You were a little ambiguous on some details, in particular how many sprites your using.
That's because I'm not able to get an approximate number at the moment, but in the diagram below I've attempted to ball park the number.
I'm assuming, you have 1 sprite which is used for each member in the gang and each member uses a different animation set?
I'm also assuming you wanted to use this same sprite for all 26 gangs, but for each gang you want to replace all the frames with frames for their gang?
Well, some frames will be different. But the idea is to be able to call up the frames from a file folder for any gang and then replace the frames of a gang that already has its frames in the Animator.
The red dots represent the Bashers and its 23 gang members (with all of its animation frames and angles), the green dots represent the Rammers and its 23 members (with all of its animation frames and angles).
<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2721/5731839159_22ac7ef893.jpg">
Now, imagine that one of the Rammers 23 gang members animations are in the Animator box and there are several animation angles there as well:
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3118/5731853921_96a54d70d3.jpg">
As the first diagram shows, I'm trying to replace all of the Rammers animation frames with the Crushers animation frames by calling the frames up from a file when I press a controller button or press a key.