CSL2adam's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey guys, I entered a demo for my Run and Gun platform game called "BOT" into the Indiepub Developers contest.

    I know there isn't a chance in hell I'd ever win but I thought that it would be an easy way to get people to play the game.

    There is a really bad quality video you can check out before you download it.

    It was obviously made with construct. It shows this when you play the game (I couldn't find a Construct logo that was big enough for the game window, so I had to make my own, hope it is ok). I created all of the graphics and wrote and recorded the soundtrack.

    Here is the link: http://www.indiepubgames.com/game/BOT_

    It's pretty basic, but let me know what you guys think. Cheers.


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  • Hey guys.

    I had a look around to see if I could see a solution to this but I didn't see and topics with this same problem. If this has already been discussed then I apologies.

    I have made platform game, classic run and gun style. It is a Demo of three levels and contains 29 layouts.

    When I export this as an Exe file and try and run it on a different computer I get a Runtime error that says:

    "Construct encountered an error in the display engine"

    "Failed to load texture (0x8007000e)"

    Is there anything I should be doing when I export my file? I thought that the Exe file was a stand alone file.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, I was planning on entering the Indiepub games competitions. But they way things are going it might not happen.



  • Hey there, I'm new to the boards, however I have been following and using Construct for a few months. I am in the middle of creating my own game for which I will post a video soon.

    I was just wondering if it is possible to make a "save" option for a game. If my game takes a few hours to complete it would be better for the player if they could save their game and come back to it later.

    If this is possible please let me know.

    Cheers, thanks for your time.


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Member since 2 May, 2010

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