(Reposting this since I can't for the love of me find the original one I wrote yesterday)
Hi everyone! I've been getting my hands dirty with Construct for a while now, but lately I've been working in my first big thing: a classic Castlevania style game. All the movement, enemies and small things are all set and working nicely, but I had to rework the events I had for the Stairs since it's not very efficient while creating levels (it requires a lot of tweaking in order to trigger things correctly, jump-thru on diagonal objects is a mess).
What I'd like to learn is how to move a sprite towards a fixed path with player input The video here https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vtrYWJCSFD0 is what I'm trying to achieve, but translated into Construct.
In case the link doesn't work, the person speaking says that in order to emulate Castlevania-like stairs you require 2 triggers (BottomStairs and TopStairs). After you press UP if you are overlapping BottomStairs or DOWN if you are overlapping TopStairs, the Player instance gets stored in a variable object. Pressing UP or DOWN while being on the OnStairs state Adds or Substract to a Float variable that determines the position you are in the stairs (0=Bottom;1=Top; everything in between those values= the stairs themselves). After reaching either Trigger again, you return the Player to their regular state.
I know 8 Direction is a nice behavior to consider but if the thing addressed in the video is easier to achieve I would like to try it. Biggest problem I have is how to move the Player in a fixed path without using solid objects as platforms, it just doesn't work as I want to.
Thanks in advance!