Viewtfiul's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello, what exactly does the set control state of the mouse and keyboard object do? Im using the following actions with the platform behavior, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything.

    Always - MouseAndKeyboard - set control of player 1 to 0

  • Hi, in the next version could there be a feature that would allow a sprite's collision mask to have its own unique hot spots? In the current version, when you change the sprite's hotspot. The sprite's collsion masks hotspot automatically switches to the sprites hotspot whenever you try to change it.

  • I'm talking about the [jump action]. I made an example to help describe what I mean.

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  • Hey, I was wondering if in the next update there could be an option in the 'jump action' of the platform behavior to keep your jump sustain time. Right now, it just ignores the jump sustain settings. This could be useful if your making a mario game and you want to keep your jump hold time when jumping on a goomba or another enemy. By the way im using construct version 0.99.82.

  • Thanks! That works.

  • Your detectors are flawed.

    Move the enemy one grid space closer to the hero and it will work. If you have an even number of gridspaces between the two then you will get a proper collision, but if you have an odd number then you won't because your detectors are passing right over their targets.

    Anyway, try checking for overlap at offset before moving. You don't need detectors at all for this.

    Yeah, it only works if I move the enemy 1 space closer to the hero like you said. I'll play around with it some more to see if I can make it work all the time.

  • I tried fixing it using detectors, but that didn't work.

  • So, do I just click on it and I can use the rectange tool to draw a collision mask?

  • Hi, what does the collision mask button do in the picture editor? I keep clicking on it, but nothing happens.

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