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  • First time listening but really enjoyed it, will go back to the others. Well done.

  • I know this is months later, but as I stumbled across this post after almost pulling my hair out, this might help someone in future.

    Make sure that the Box2D checkbox is ticked on the Ludei Cloud Compiler. It's under Configuration, Application Services. Make sure you save at the bottom of the page, then compile. I used compiler 2.01 and it works beautifully.

  • Hi ludei,

    Thanks for the information, that makes sense - it also explains the issue.

    I compared which of my old app versions were compiling correctly, and which weren't. As soon as my project moved from Box2D to CocoonJS Native Physics, it stopped working. It was causing the Ludei logo to flicker indefinitely, but only in the compiled project, not in the launcher from the Play Store.

    You know why? Because I didn't tick Box2D (or may have at one point unticked it) in the Configuration of the compiler. I am officially an idiot.

    It's all working now - thanks to yourself and ArcadEd for your assistance.

  • Brilliant - thank you, I think you've sent me in the correct direction. Webstorage was throwing up problems before I edited the file - I'll go through as a process of elimination to see what I can change.


  • Thanks for the quick reply - that makes sense.

    Not sure if this is the best place for it - this is a general CocoonJS question. My game works perfectly using Canvas+ in the CocoonJS launcher with a few seconds load time at the start. When I compile it using the Cloud launcher, it never loads - the Ludei logo just flickers in that lovely way forever (left it for 10 minutes at least). Construct 2 is estimating about 25MB memory usage.

    Is there a big difference between compiled and previewed apps, or if it works in one should it generally compile okay?

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  • Hi,

    I'm having some bad luck with the CocoonJS plugin and I've searched all over for an answer.

    Earlier today I set up my leaderboards and achievements within Google Play. In Construct 2, when I use the latest CocoonJS plugin to show achievements, it brings up achievements to a different game, which I believe is iBasket from Ludei.

    When I try to bring up the leaderboard, it just crashes outright.

    This is only in the Canvas+ CocoonJS Previewer. I've tried building the app with the cloud service, and it doesn't work at all (may be an entirely separate issue but I'm mentioning it in case it's related)

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hi guys,

    This is my first game I've made with Construct 2. It's called Glorious Moon, and it's a physics-based game - use the moon to stop the asteroids from hitting the humans' new planet.

    It's free and ad-supported. Any feedback is appreciated. Download it for Android from the link below.

    YouTube Video:

  • 60 and 594.

  • Hi,

    I don't think this is possible, sadly. I asked if it could be implemented for the older 3D box in 098.9, but there were no takers. I had a play with the latest version and the 3D object last night, but I couldn't see anything to load/change textures, unless I'm just being dense. Hopefully it'll be available for this one. Either would save me literally 30 or so hours of work

    Still, it's great to see the 3D aspects of Construct. A perfect excuse to learn some complicated maths and show a little creativity

    *cough* If anyone feels that they could add the option to load textures to the old 3D box in 098.9 and it wouldn't be too difficult or time consuming, we'll credit you and throw you a few quid, as well as being eternally grateful *cough*

  • I could take a crack at modifying this. I know well enough how the sprite object handles it, so it shouldn't be to hard.

    That would be fantastic if you could have a try. I've tried a million different things to make it look passable; we must be talking around 20 hours of trying to figure out a decent workaround

    I haven't shown anyone outside my friends the game yet, but if you'd like to take a look, I can send a private video.

    Thank you for trying.


  • Howdo people,

    First off, I'd like to thank everyone involved in the creation of Construct and the community here; even though this is my first post, I've browsed this forum a lot, and it's helped me no end. So, cheers.

    I've been working on a game for the last 10 months or so in version 98.9 (Pitch/Yaw needed; I know there's a fix in the Plugin section, but haven't tried it yet), and since a total restart at Christmas, it's really coming together.

    My request is, is there any way (through a plugin, Python, anything really) that loading the 3D boxes faces can be changed at runtime? It doesn't really matter if it's from a sprite using Image Manipulator, from a canvas, from a .png or .jpg, anything really.

    I'm talking about something along the lines of On X Pressed, Load 3D Box Face ('Left') from Apppath & "face/1.png". Or something like that.

    I don't want to give too much away about the game, but *if* this feature could be implemented, it's the difference between the game having 50+ layouts for levels and 1. If not, 50 layouts it is



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Member since 7 Feb, 2010

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