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    Surface Pro 4 with the official keyboard cover, and yeah usually no issue. I have a mouse with me today so will try it again.

    I just purchased C3 and am trying to use it on chrome on my Surface laptop with the keyboard plugged in, for some reason when adding events the refresh and back buttons keep getting pressed and I'm constantly being sent back to a page before construct and loosing all of my work, anyone else seen this?

  • I just read that Fmod has been ported to HTML5

    I don't know anything about plugins or extending Construct, but would this make an Fmod addon a possibility? Could be a huge thing for Construct if so.

  • ...

    Yeah I mean that's all pretty standard tbh I just don't think anything like that is possible the way the tag system is integrated. If you can't limit voices per individual group of sounds, it leads to all sorts of issues. What I've ended up doing is coding in stuff like, timers on everything that's destroyed and emits a sound to make sure it only plays the noise if there's only been a certain amount generated within a threshold. Which is a real round-about way of doing it.

    In Wwise you can just limit voices locally or globally per sound or container instance. Something like this would go a long way.

  • Well you can't limit how much is being played in a tag.

    You can only limit how many tags are playing. Its up to you what tags are called.

    There are several ways to do that, but the simplest would be to implement a counter, and compare its value each time you want to play something.

    Then subtract from that counter when the sound ends.

    I'm using hundreds of tags to modulate the pitch of sounds being played back, like "gunshot", "aiMoveRight" etc

  • Some feedback I got from a player,

    "When shooting through a lot of destructible blocks, whatever's generating the sound effects seems to get overloaded and just makes the sound cut out. This only happens for this game on my computer. It gets fixed upon restarting the game, but it occurs again pretty quickly on any level with a lot of destructible objects."

    I had a look and I can't seem to find an in-built way to set a limit to the number of voices played through a tag. Is there a way to set a soft limit to just kill voices until there's space instead of overloading the system like this?


    A new game called Legatus made for a ganejam at work, really happy with how the SFX are turning out, using sounds captured from a modular synthesizer.

  • Thanks for the advice everyone, very helpful.

  • That's not a good solution, even though it'll work in this case (since you only have 50). With larger sizes you'll endlessly hang the cpu as it regenerates and checks the numbers. What you need to do is store all your numbers in a list, (1,2 ... 500) pick a random index from the list, and return the number at that index. Then remove the number at that index from the list and repeat. This way the operation completes in a known time.

    Good shout, what's a list though?

    Like this?

  • Without seeing the images it's like i mentioned:

    In practical:


    Use an array (size 50:1:1) and loop-assigne a random number if not already assigned before.

    -> capx (C2)

    hope it helps...

    Thanks a bunch for this, never used an array before so will study this.

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  • i do not understand

    Haha yeah sorry I'm being stupid.

    So I have a grid of squares like this:

    And I have 50 levels numbered 1 - 50. What I want is for each square in this grid, at the start of the game to be assigned a random level of 1 - 50, with no repeating levels.

  • I think I understand the principle, it's more the practical.

    My specific case is that I have a pool of 50 levels I want to randomly assign to objects in a menu, doing silly things like this just isn't working and is mental:

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