beatthelastboss's Recent Forum Activity

  • Mine is obvious enough... On second thought, I wish that I had picked "Beatthefinalboss"... Oh well, doesn't matter

  • Yes, the blob. Listen to this while reading this post:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Listening to it? Good.

    Ok, so I have been interested in box2d for a while, but have wondered about one thing... Softbodys!

    I am not saying I can think of any practical use for them in a game other than just looking neat (Or making a gish clone), but it wouldn't hurt to try. I suppose a false softbody could be created by making thousands of tiny rigid bodies stuck together... I am not sure, but do you think it is possible? Give it a shot, do it or the blob will get you

    Have fun!


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  • New Spelunky = Possibly this.

    I like it...

    I am calling Derek on you. He is going to make you sleep with the fishes. Trust me.

  • back to the original topic

    to put it another way

    almost no one here knows python

    Good way to put it

  • Why would somebody do that to an open-source project as awesome as Construct!? Likely a plot from Microsoft, I'm sure!

  • Thanks for responding so quickly! I will dedicate myself to construct first off, and move on from there. What is a good first project, if you don't mind my asking?

  • Just wondering, is it important to know python to use construct. I have spent the last year learning the similarly awesome "Lua", and I wanted to know if it is worth learning a new language primarily for construct use. Hopefully it is close enough to Lua that I wont have to go insane learning a new language. Also, what are some good books/sites for beginning python? Thanks, sorry for the amazing amount of questions

  • Ello! I am beatthelastboss, and have been using construct for about a month now. I enjoy making pixels move and being random. I hope I can become more active in this community, and make a few games while I'm at it

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Member since 26 Jan, 2010

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