seZereth's Recent Forum Activity

  • So,

    I am working on the grafics and the design doc already is fleshed out, just need someone to help coding the rest

  • oh, sorry!

    didnt think of that

  • yeah, I got an invite to Google Wave, which I already had

    so um... you have to add me to the wave so I con see it. I think.

    that's all the mail I got.

    I sent you another mail with a picture of some work in progress.

    Further, I think I now added you to the waves, at least that is if you account in google wave is DON'T POST PEOPLE'S PERSONAL INFO ON THE FORUM


    I would really like to team up with you and get some games going here.


  • Hey madster,

    did you receive my emails?

    to anyone:

    I�d love to use my graphics for a game of this sort:

    Anyone willing to do the costruct work, while i create the graphics?

  • Basically a naked Goblin as a base for the characters in TRIBE.

  • I never got my reply


    I already sent you several PMs, but they seem to stay in my outbox instead of being sent I dont know what happened there.

    But please send me an email to

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I am an artist myself... just not a 3D artist.

    I would be keen to use your services in a collab if interested. I can do the concepts and you could make them in to 3d models.

    I have a few ideas in the works right now, but trying to learn 3d has set me back a fair bit and I am sitting at a bit of a stale-mate now.

    If you are interested in what my ideas are, let me know I will gladly explain what I am trying to achieve.


    Hey, i?ve started a project myself, with a small team of 3 other people and we are developing a rts.

    I am interested to hear what ideas you have and how, if i create the 3d models, you will implement them? If your ideas are cool, that could convince me to help you out, but the biggest limitation will be that I am not that in animating, which means, i dont really have time to spend on that.

  • Meeeeeeeee!!

    XD I'm a coder, somewhat fluent in Construct and looking for an artist to help with games

    Do you have anything in mind? I know I do

    sent you a pm

    [quote:wftpcfdq]I would love to see Some current gen art style models from you. nice art work.

    well, I do this in my spare time and I love the low poly low texture - (strategy game) approach, so, i dont think you will see some current gen stuff anytime soon

  • Hey there.

    I was asking myself if there are people around who are good at developing the mechanics of the game, while i could contribute graphics.

    to show you that i can do things, look here:

    So, I have some ideas for games, but not enough practical knowledge of Construct to make them real.

    If someone here has knowledge but not enough artistic skills to make the game look cool, let me know


  • Hi there.

    I know I am new, but I have experience with Games (or better with Mods: Fall from Heaven II for Civilization IV: ).

    Before trying around with Construct, I want to know if the game I want to create is even possible or better creatable in a reasonable effort and time.

    I dont worry about graphics, as this is the simplest thing for me to create.

    I just worry about the mechanics.

    So, I want to create a game which plays similar to one of the following examples:

    Can any of you "experts" give me a good estimation of the effort and time (talking about basic mechanics, not about levels and graphics) needed to create games like those listed above?

    (I know i should start out with easier projects to get the hang of the engine, etc. but i jut want to know if it is worth learning construct or if it is the wrong platform for what I want to create).

    Thanks in advance,


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Member since 17 Jan, 2010

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