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  • This is an edited version of the original "color replacer" effect, modified to be able to replace up to 16 user-defined colors.

    Basically, it takes a user-defined color and replaces it by another user-defined color. I've made this so I can have multiple palettes in my game without having to edit the graphics.

    I've also included 2 examples: a "palette generator", which you can use to edit your own 16 color palette and save the output to use in your game, and a simple example that loads up a palette.

    Edit (fixed link)

    Link: ...

  • Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for!

  • Hi everyone,

    If I assign the sine behavior to an object and have a Magnitude of 1, the sine will go all the way to 1, then all the way to -1 and so on.

    What would be the best way to force it to go only from 0 to 1?

  • Gigatron Thanks so much for your help in the other thread! I've made a custom 16-color palette swapper editing your code. Would it be ok if I made another thread for it? Or should I just post it here?

    Thanks once again, now I can finally make better fade-in/fade-out animations using limited colors like this:

  • andreyin@

    Let's look first color table of nes used in this fx;

    TRY_COLOR (vec3 (000.0, 088.0, 000.0));

    TRY_COLOR (vec3 (080.0, 048.0, 000.0));

    TRY_COLOR (vec3 (000.0, 104.0, 000.0));

    I would like to change this color table by custom then go to here :

    Blue like color is ; rgb format 35,65,174.. so edit nes color table

    TRY_COLOR (vec3 (035.0, 065.0, 174.0));

    for red

    TRY_COLOR (vec3 (255.0, 000.0, 000.0)); etc.....

    Try to play like this and look the result ...


    Thanks for the help! My biggest trouble was getting around the dithering effect but I found out what to delete.

    Thanks again!

  • I did the way you said and works like a charm now!

    But why? Isn't the common way supposed to work too?

    It's not supposed to. I'm not sure but I think it depends on your code and how your variables are set up. The text object is made only to display text, so you can use str() to convert anything into text.

  • Instead of using "set text to baseDeus01.vida" try using "set text to str(baseDeus01.vida)"

    If the vida variable is a number it should work if you convert it to a string to use in the text object.

  • A solid object means it is solid only for other behaviors, no the physics one. If you want a solid physics object you have to add the physics behavior to your object, then change the Immovable property to "Yes".

  • Gigatron I've been trying to edit your NESify effect to add a custom palette, could you help? is it even possible?

  • Exactly what blackhornet said. The first sprite created is the main sprite that all instances copy default atributes from. If you notice, in your example, if you change the right sprite's width instead of the left one, only it will rotate.

    When you tell C2 to "create a new object" it really just copies the object from this first instance to use on the others.

    Now, instead of coding you can just create a new layout called "repository" (or whatever you want it to be called) and have the first instance of your sprites be there (to be sure they're the first instance you'll have to delete all other instances from your project). I do this for all my games and I always recommend it.

    After that you can just copy it to any layout you want, while editing it.

    Alternately you can also pick objects by their IID (instance ID), meaning that in your example, the arrow on the left has IID = 0 and the arrow on the right has IID = 1. So if you do something like "pick sprite where sprite.IID = 0" it will pick the arrow on the left.

  • Thanks for sharing!

    It seems the 8-direction behavior is pushing out the player. This happens because they're actually both the player and the solid background are actually touching each other on the grid, so Construct 2 pushes out the player to the left.

    I don't think using the 8-direction behavior isn't a good way to set this up. I would try using the bullet behavior instead.

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  • Could you share your .capx file?

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