Exactly what blackhornet said. The first sprite created is the main sprite that all instances copy default atributes from. If you notice, in your example, if you change the right sprite's width instead of the left one, only it will rotate.
When you tell C2 to "create a new object" it really just copies the object from this first instance to use on the others.
Now, instead of coding you can just create a new layout called "repository" (or whatever you want it to be called) and have the first instance of your sprites be there (to be sure they're the first instance you'll have to delete all other instances from your project). I do this for all my games and I always recommend it.
After that you can just copy it to any layout you want, while editing it.
Alternately you can also pick objects by their IID (instance ID), meaning that in your example, the arrow on the left has IID = 0 and the arrow on the right has IID = 1. So if you do something like "pick sprite where sprite.IID = 0" it will pick the arrow on the left.