its a messagebox:
Construct 2 Check failure
Check failure! This is probably a bug:
Failed to create font or default Arial font
Condition: <unavailable>
File: <unavailable>
Line: -1
Function: assert2
Build: release 51 (32-bit) checked
Component: Plugin 'Text' in HTML5 exporter
(Last Win32 error: 2)
reduced the fontfolder manually some time ago to speed up booting.
but if arial font is included in all os and you have to first delete them to get this error it seems pretty custom
tried it again:
the message appears 5 times even when theres only one text
object in the layout. dont know if there are people who have the skill
to delete the arial font and then dont remember it. so just in case hehe
about the source:
strange to read that, because it says construct 2 check failure in the header. maybe some included library ?