alexionne's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yes, C2 window doesn't go up to the taskbar. The problem doesn't seem to be related to Photoshop, but with C2 UI - or, maybe more possible - some Windows setting I changed (and I tweaked it here and there...)

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  • Hi, Scirra! :D

    I'm using Windows 7, Construct r85 and my taskbar is at the top of desktop. Here's screenshot of Construct when I start it on my computer:

    After I "restore" and "maximize" Construct window, everything goes fine.

    If you need more information to track down this problem, feel free to contact me :)

  • The first option I chose without any second thought was "team collaboration", and I was somewhat surprised that it didn't get more votes. On the other hand, it's clear sign that half of Construct users are lone developers. After several years in game development, that is one of the most important options I seek for in any technology.

    On implementation part, just a hint: my experience is that saving some resource in text-based format, and letting version control software do the rest (be it svn, hg, git - anything will do the job), gives optimal solution.

  • >


    > > If Construct is indeed moving towards XML, that's even better news, but I understand that's huge task which needs lot of time o accomplish.

    > >

    > Just to clarify, this is something planned for Construct 2.


    Which very likely wont be ready in a real, usable form for quite a long time. So anyone thinking of waiting until then might just wanna get used to the current version and find workarounds.

    In that case I should get my hands dirty with my ideas soon

  • Just to clarify it - my idea was only to change format of .cap files. Nothing in workflow of Construct itself would be changed, only .cap files would change.

    I work in game development team, and we were thinking of using Construct, but since it has binary file formats, it (still) doesn't work for us.

    If Construct is indeed moving towards XML, that's even better news, but I understand that's huge task which needs lot of time o accomplish.

  • One way to implement this is to make .cap files text-based. This has several benefits:

    • it's easier to debug it if something goes wrong
    • it's possible to do simple editing outside Construct IDE
    • with good organization of text-based document, collaboration comes "for free" when you some source-control tools (for example SVN)

    There are also downsides:

    • .cap files would become bigger (in the range 3-5 times, maybe even more); not a big issue, since text based files are compressed well
    • time is need to implement it; but time is needed to implement <anything>, it's just about choice what to do
    • Construct will need to support both binary and text .cap files; on the other hand, since there is already support for versioning of .cap files, this would only mean enhaced support for it
    • problem of binary files (like images); not sure what's better - just to store them in binary form, or store them as hex numbers (meaning two bytes in cap file for each byte of binary data)

    Some overloading of << and >> operators on CArchive in StdAfx.h (which seems to be included in all files), as well as updating READXXXFROM macros in CapReader should give results pretty soon. Anyway, I'll try to play around with this idea and report if I can make out something of it.

  • Yes, that solved it. Thanks again!

    P.S. Is this known issue, or should I make bug report?

  • Hi, all! I'm trying to learn Construct and make simple game. So, here's my .cap file:

    What I'm trying to do is to switch layout from Main menu layout to one of three others depending on button clicked. I first made it using three separate conditions, but I'm now trying to do it in more general way (in case I add more buttons). Note that button texts and layout names are same. Escape switches back from other layouts to Main menu.

    The problem is that all three buttons (Gathering, Splitting, Mixing) switch to Gathering layout.

    I thought that using object-type inside action (in this case Button through Button.Text) refers to the instance of that object-type which is used in the condition (in this case Button.on_button_clicked), but it seems that Button inside action always refers to the first instance (Gathering in this case).

    Does anyone have an idea what's the problem (if there is problem at all!)? Note: I'm using Construct 0.99.62

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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