brent_hamel's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is there any kind of "On Value Changed" trigger that one could use with the array plugin, so that I don't have to update all my values, and can only update the ones that are changed when it happens?

  • Unfortunately, after converting to using a single SpriteFont object, and constructing the ram values and formatting through a series of loops (and using some BBCode to highlight specific things) I now have a whopping framerate of 15 ticks per second...

    Surely there must be a way to do this... there are plenty of programs I see that can update as many if not more values at 60tps... is this a case of wrong tool (Construct 3) for the job (6502 Emulator with some basic visual feedback)?

    I can't say I've used an HTML element before, so I'm not quite sure where to start with that, but if it'd be faster than I'll have a look.

    Is there a way to only update a specific part of my text layout? Like say settokenat(string, index, separator) or something similar... I'm starting to feel that there is no solution that will be "fast" enough to be useful

  • Hey all,

    (A quick preface: I've been learning 6502 Assembly, but don't know any higher level languages at all, and have been a Scirra customer since the Construct Classic days. So I feel pretty well versed in the various iterations of Construct, but have no appliable programming knowledge I can use elsewhere aside from logic design.)

    So I'm working on a 6502 emulator in C3 as a fun personal challenge, and I've got everything working properly. My biggest hurdle, is how to monitor the RAM values in realtime to make sure the opcodes and all their addressing modes are behaving the way I'm intending them to.

    Curently, I have 2048 text objects all displaying 2 characters each to represent ram in hex values (boy, do I wish C3 allowed me to work in hex without having to use strings everywhere...). There must be a better way to do this to not have it brutally bog everything down.

    I'm currently doing this all through the event sheets as well, as I'm only JUST starting to feel brave enough to attempt to learn some JavaScript (and JavaScript inside C3 no less).

    I've been able to use a bit of JS to successfully update my display canvas with generated noise when my emulator is "off" and to display a pre-set colour as a BG colour when on. Previous attempts at doing this through events proved way too slow, so I'm wondering if the event sheet system is just inherently way slowly do to the amount of abstraction it adds, and if so... how do I achieve my goal with JS (if events are indeed incapable of keeping up)

    Thanks so much in advance

    - Brent

    PS: The emulator works for all the 6502 mini-programs I've written for it, and some test programs that I've found online. If all goes well, I could turn this into a fantasy console capable of running actual "real" programs. Or maybe convert it into an Apple ][, NES, Atari 2600, or Master System emulator. I really want to believe that a C3 app can achieve this... Am I crazy?

  • I haven't had the chance to explore this much the last few days, however it appears that adding a script to "-On Start of Layout" that simply has " "","_blank" );" does seem to open a second window that can be moved around and repositioned within multiple monitors.

    However, as ROJO mentioned, I haven't begun to look at how to either control what is displayed in the new window, or read user input FROM the new window... so there's a lot of testing and experimenting to do. If anyone has any experience with this or some ideas to try out, please let me know.

  • Hi All,

    Happy New Year, here's to everyone making great stuff with C3 for 2024!!

    Just wondering if there's a way, either through Event Sheets or JS to create UI elements that can either be fixed or floating, and if floating, can be repositioned across multiple monitors.

    I'm looking to make a desktop based asset creation app, so being able to rearrange UI elements across multiple monitors for users is a highly sought after feature in my eyes.

    I know how to do resizeable but docked, I'm just not sure how to do floating that can exceed the bounds of the primary window (as floating is pointless imo if you can't move it out of the way of the primary screen.

    Thanks in advance,


  • This is running at a solid 60 fps on my PC. Thanks so much for this!! I'll keep everyone posted as to how this project comes along!!

    This is actually a potential component of a larger project that I've already started that also happens to involve:

    - a graphics editor

    - a text editor

    - a sound editor using the third party WebMIDI plugin (which is excellent and would love to see bundled as a standard plugin someday)

    I won't say more yet, though this may have already given it away... Either way, I'll keep everyone posted!

  • If you share your capx with me, I can more quickly identify what's going on for you, if you're comfortable sharing it that is. I'm on Discord if that'd be better for you.

  • I can do a mockup for you tomorrow and post it here, sound ok?

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  • So if its the specific math you need, then the way to calculate it is:

    Object1.yMin = -1800

    Object1.yRange = 2110 ( -1800 + 2110 = 310 )

    Object2.yMin = 410

    Object2.yRange = 840 ( 410 + 840 = 1250 )

    Object1.Y = -1272.5 ( this is where the player has placed Object1 )

    Object2.Y = ???

    // yOffset uses the values of yMin, Y, and yRange to end up with a value

    // between 0 and 1... this decimal is our percentage 0.25 = 25%, etc

    - Object1.yOffset = abs( abs( Object1.yMin - Object1.Y ) / Object1.yRange )

    // we can then use that percentage to easily place Object2, as it'll take the

    // yOffset percentage, and multiply it by object2.yRange, giving the same

    // percentage between Object2.yMin, and Object2.yRange

    - Object2.Y = Object2.yMin + ( Object2.yRange * Object1.yOffset )

    // By putting the actual values in:

    - Object2.Y = 410 + ( 840 * 0.25 ) // which equals...

    - Object2.Y = 410 + ( 210 ) // which equals...

    - Object2.Y = 620

    I'm sorry if this comes across as patronizing, its not meant to be, I'm just not sure at what level you're at with all this... does this help?

  • Are these moves supposed to happen smoothly over time? Or instantly, like once the player releases placement of object1, then object2 jumps to the appropriate place as a result?

    I ask about "over time" as you mentioned using lerp in your original post

    Either way, it leads me to think about these as percentages between their clamp values, determine the percentage that player one has selected, and then move object2 the same percentage between 1250 and 410

    If you're looking for the position change to move smoothly over time, then using lerp can help:

    lerp( a, b, x )

    lerp( starting value, target value, percentage of the distance to move each tick )

    so if you have:

    Set object2.Y to lerp( object2.Y, object1.yOffset, 1 )

    yOffset is the percentage between 310 and -1800 that the player has placed object1. object2.Y will then be set to the same percentage from 1250 to 410 immediately, as its travelled 100% of the way from where it is to where it should be this tick.

    If instead you have:

    Set object2.Y to lerp( object2.Y, object1.yOffset, 0.25 )

    Then object2 will only move 25% of the way there this tick, and now that its moved, the pixel distance between the two is shorter, so the next tick that 25% will be smaller. Lerp runs the risk of never reaching its destination and only moving smaller and smaller increments, so its good practice to check for a position that's really close to the target, and if its passed that position, set it to the target. Otherwise, it'll be lerping forever but essentially invisible to the eye.

    Is this close to what you're looking for?

  • If I understand correctly, you want the following to happen:

    object1.Y starts at 310 and then moves over time to -1800 (a difference of -2110 pixels)

    and at the same time:

    object2.Y starts at 1250 and then moves over time to 410 (a difference of -840 pixels)

    and you want object1 to trigger object2, and for both to reach their end positions at the same time?

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