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  • After five seconds of play, the letter keys cease to work. If I re-start the game, the letter keys work again, then stop working after five seconds again. The letter keys work fine outside of the applications in the list below. This problem occurs in:

    new caps

    old caps

    games exported from construct

    games exported from Multimedia Fusion 2 (made by other people)

    And this happened just after installing service pack 2 & 3 for windows XP.

    (I tried uninstalling service pack 3, and the problem persisted, so I know it's service pack 2 that's the problem)

    So I ask ye now, does anybody have any clues as to what might be the matter?

  • Tulamide: I've never heard of prefetching (and it wasn't the case) but thanks for the help anywho

    Arima: thanks for the help, but the first thing I did when it didn't work was check task manager for temp.exe

    Cacophony: Woahz, that second one was it! It had all the data like whether or not to check for updates ect. in it too. I deleted everything in the folder and the preview function now works! (so i guess it WAS glitched/corrupted) Thanks a bundle! maybe this info should be in the wiki.

  • All of a sudden, when trying to run a preview, Construct states that a preview is already running. Temp.exe is NOT running, and I get this error even after restarting the computer and re-installing Construct(this happens with new .caps, old .caps, ALL .caps). Also, when I run the preview in debug mode, it actually does run, but it runs a much earlier version of one of my projects(no matter which .cap I am running, it still runs a version of my project that does not exist anymore).

    So I come to the only reasonable conclusion: there's a cache somewhere that's holding onto the earlier version of my project, and that it is corrupted somehow. I then uninstall construct, delete it's program files folder, run Registry Mechanic then install Construct.

    The problem still persists.

    It is keeping that project data I worked on (which doesn't, SHOULDN'T exist) SOMEWHERE and that's frigging up the preview function(at least that's what makes the most sense).

    So I ask ye now, where is the hidden cache folder that's remembering my project and (most likely) messing up the 'preview game' function?

    BTW I'm using the latest version, 0.99.92.

  • Just use the system expression "distance".

    Distance(thing.x, thing.y, otherthing.x, otherthing.y)

  • The graphics and code are a tad primitive, but it is commented and only has six events .

    http://download200.mediafire.com/n4if5b ... y5/rts.cap

    The crystals don't feature resource amounts (I didn't have much time), but that's super easy to add.

  • Cloud: I use '84 so it wouldn't be compatible with an older version and I always keep files from failed or glitched projects. ya never know, right?

    Mipey: I can't remember half of the stuff. It would a pain to twice set up a colour block matching system that notes them kinda like... uh think Bejeweled but with five and they don't have to be in a horizontal or vertical row, one just has to be next to the other.

    Silent: I'd vote weird bug .

    Thank you all, I'm going to be way more careful with my backups .

  • Well, thank you both very much for trying.

    Kinda put a LOT of work into it and all my backups do the same thing.

    I guess I'll use a much more careful method of backing up my files next time.

    There's 350-some odd events down the drain .

  • "There is not enough video memory to open this frame editor. Please close some other editors and try again."

    I have 256Mb of video memory and my game has 2 frames, one with barely anything in it and one with plenty of things. I get the error message on startup when it loads 25% of frame 1(the basically empty frame) then construct crashes. So, here's the cap. If you could suggest anything for me to try or see if the cap works on your computer I would greatly appreciate it .


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thank you very much .

    Sorry I had to waste your time like that, I was just so used to the global variables being on the left side of the screen(went from V98.90 to V99.82, big jump ).

  • I recently upgraded to version 99.84, and when I looked for the global variables section in the application properties, it wasn't there! Though the help documentation states that it is there.

    <img src="http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww348/okonz1/GlobalsMIA.png">

    So what's going on? is it a crippling glitch? has it been moved without the help documentation being updated?

    Or... am I just really stupid/blind?

  • Oh haha, by frames, I meant layouts .

  • "Oko" is the first three letters of my name.

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