Lost my Keys's Recent Forum Activity

  • I been making a beat'em up game so I can say it's easy.

    I can say this because I did the research on making a fighting before I started doing it.

    But if you had read some of the post on this topic on this forum they all say that making it is hard to do.

    All you need is the is the platformer behavior animations and some collision box.

    The only thing is a project like is very repetitive .

    The event sheet would be so big even if you were to use one or two characters for this.

    Only intermediate to advance users would understand it really.

    you can think of it a step up from a platformer in terms of AI and animations.

    The only problem I can see is to do a getting the keyboard to do ("<v> A"or "back,down,forward,A button")



    I think I saw some of your posts on it. Using the shadow as the ground target I think, right?

    I had a think about the combo's, private variables could work for those perhaps? If a specific animation follows another one, update a variable, if a different one follows, then clear it. So in theory if the correct sequence of animations are played, the variable eventually hits a set number, which in turn would trigger the combo move. It could work, couldn't it?

  • Nobody ever said doing isometric was easy?

    Also... why are there six of these threads at once? Isn't that overkill? You could have had these run, you know... one at a time

    Cause I got excited with the 6th one, besides, never could wait.

  • This seems fairly simple, I'll take it. But do take note that sprites should be drawn in a way they are facing the angle 0, which is to the right. You drew your tree shadow diagonal. Just draw it straight up, then turn by 90 (the image editor allows that) and there we go

    Edit: actually, just take 'em as they are and turn the image by 45 degrees. Easy fix

    I didn't know that My bad, I didn't think it mattered unless it was something like a player character (but now I think about it, yeah, erk, sorry hehe). Can I blame that on the witch too?

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  • But I don't think there is any serious example of an isometric engine, so it would be interesting to see what the challenge yields.

    However, judging by the tilesets, this is going to be a handful. Eh, I'll check other challenges out and see if there is anything I can do in less than one day


    I'll fix the original post to mention there's no requirement to use any or all of the tiles included. They're just there as an option and to give folk plenty to play around with, plus someone who might suck at art may want to have a go for example too, and it'll mean they can as well. I also chose those, besides them being neat looking, because they were laid out in a construct import loading friendly way.

  • Welcome to the "IT'S EASY!" Challenge, part 6 of 6.

    Inspired from the "Oh it's easy, Construct can do anything that's in 2D" reply that I've seen a lot. I decided to create a few challenges, see just how 'easy' some things really are. I dunno, call it the virtual equivilant to Myth Busters, only with a much better looking host.

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/its6.png">

    Challenge #5 - Fake realtime shadows

    The badly drawn red face, we'll call him Dudley. Has a torch with him, so he can see where he's going in the evil badly drawn forest just outside of badly drawn town in the kingdom of childish scribbles. Unfortunately a wicked witch has cast a spell that makes all the shadows do the opposite of what they should be doing, why she did this, nobody knows, and nobody really cares, but it was probably for attention because nobody ever goes to visit her and the children make fun of her and throw eggs. The challenge is to not only make the tree shadows behave correctly by facing away from Dudley as he passes by. But also to stretch, skewer and fade them out as he travels along, closer, pass and further away from them, like a real shadow might behave.

    Basically, behaving sort of like real shadows, and sort of like the shadow casting behavior, only unlike the behavior, this method would work to create customizable shadows to fit the object supposedly casting them.

    I'm also betting that the results of this challenge is bound to be useful to a lot of people, because who wouldn't say no to shadows with this level of control?

    Download: here


    1) Use any methods Construct provides, to create it.

    2) You must provide your cap and workings, not just exe files, so others may benefit.

    3) Your solution must be replicatable by other users (don't include unreleased addons or methods which others may be unable to use).

    4) The resources are provided as is, but you may if you need to, edit them further. But please show what and why you did it.

    5) Dont' reply with "It's easy" unless you can also include a cap as proof.

    6) You don't have to leave the shadows as rotating, you can use other methods such as skewering or stretching, depending on the distance and angle the player is at, compared to an individual tree/shadow

    7) The tree and the shadow must remain as single sprites, instanced across the layout, you can't clone them as individual sprites per tree/shadow. Because can you imagine the horror of trying to use them in a real game, if EVERY tree and shadow was a completely different sprite!

    The winning entry will be whoever comes up with the best or most elegant working solution to the problem. Challenge is open to everyone.

    End Date

    Midnight January 20th 2010 (Eastern Time, US)

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/easy6.png">

    Good luck!

  • Welcome to the "IT'S EASY!" Challenge, part 5 of 6.

    Inspired from the "Oh it's easy, Construct can do anything that's in 2D" reply that I've seen a lot. I decided to create a few challenges, see just how 'easy' some things really are. I dunno, call it the virtual equivilant to Myth Busters, only with a much better looking host.

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/its5.png">

    Challenge #5 - Fatality!

    Using the provided resources, create a 2D Beat-em-Up in the style of Street Fighter. Use the same character sprite for both players (to make it easier), and the provided background. You do not have to include any sounds (unless you feel like it).

    Download: here


    1) Use any methods Construct provides, to create it.

    2) You must provide your cap and workings, not just exe files, so others may benefit.

    3) Your solution must be replicatable by other users (don't include unreleased addons or methods which others may be unable to use).

    4) The resources are provided as is, but you may if you need to, edit them further. But please show what and why you did it.

    5) Dont' reply with "It's easy" unless you can also include a cap as proof.

    The winning entry will be whoever comes up with the best or most elegant working solution to the problem. Challenge is open to everyone.

    End Date

    Midnight January 15th 2010 (Eastern Time, US)

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/easy5.png">

    Good luck!

  • Welcome to the "IT'S EASY!" Challenge, part 2 of 6.

    Inspired from the "Oh it's easy, Construct can do anything that's in 2D" reply that I've seen a lot. I decided to create a few challenges, see just how 'easy' some things really are. I dunno, call it the virtual equivilant to Myth Busters, only with a much better looking host.

    Rather than waiting until the closing date of each challenge, I've decided to just post them all together, so everyone has a choice and there's something for everyone then. Plus I'm really proud of challenge #6 and wanted to see what people came up for it so yeah

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/its2.png">

    Challenge #2 - Isometric World

    Using the supplied resources. Create a simple isometric area where the player can go in front of, and behind the raised tiles, as well as be able to get up and down different levels of height, to walk on the raised area. The monster must also be able to behave in the same way. There is a large number of sprites provided so you shouldn't have trouble putting something together. You can use the player sprite for that of the monster too, so long as the monster is an NPC.

    You don't have to use all the tiles provided, or any of them for that matter, if you don't want to. They're just included as an option for anyone who wants to use them.

    Download: here


    1) Use any methods Construct provides, to create an isometric demo.

    2) You must provide your cap and workings, so others may benefit.

    3) Your solution must be replicatable by other users (don't include unreleased addons or methods which others may be unable to use).

    4) The player sprite is player controlled, but the monster sprite must be an NPC.

    5) The cap and sprites are provided as is, but you may if you need to, edit them further. But please show what and why you did it.

    The winning entry will be whoever comes up with the best or most elegant working solution to the problem. Challenge is open to everyone.

    End Date

    Midnight December 15th 2009 (Eastern Time, US)

    <img src="http://steamgauge.com/misc/construct/challenges/easy2.png">

    Good luck!

  • - the RTS behavior generates a complete path in the 'Move to' action, stores it, then just starts moving the object along the already calculated path. So it's not actually running any pathfinding logic as the mouse moves around, so you'll see negligable CPU usage. The biggest problem with that system is if the path is really big and complicated, or you're moving hundreds of objects in one go, it could hang for a second or two while it calculates all the paths.

    Ahh that explains it then. Still impressed it managed to do it at all hehe. Now I want to make an RTS based on the Aliens movies, smart movement like that would be perfect for the Alien side

  • Solved it! Well sorta, it's basically doing what I already suggested, and using a bit of creativity, and some of what deadeye was onto as well.

    I should point out that this will only work "properly" if your game is flip screen like the two I saw on your website, with the black guys. Course if your game scrolls then this whole aspect ratio thing is a farse because you so wouldn't need to worry about it. But even then, it would still work!

    Ok this is what you do:

    Make your layout the size of the largest fullscreen display currently available, don't worry this wont effect filesize or anything like that.

    Create your game >>>>>>> AT THE CENTER OF THE LAYOUT <<<<<<< This is very important, it'll not work right if you don't do that. continue to make your game in 320x240.

    Now, around your actual game window within a window. Create a border, a nice pretty graphical border, how it looks depends on your game. Put this border on the OUTSIDE of the 320x240 window. Because you never want your 4:3 users to see this border, it's not for them, it's too good for them and they're not allowed to see it.

    Now then, create a tiled background, on the lowest layer. Make sure the tiled artwork matches your border you just made, so it looks like it's part of it. Cover the entire background with that tiled background image.

    Right, by now you're looking at it and probably thinking "Nobody is going to play a tiny window like that on a huge resolution you idiot!!!" But that's cool, that's exactly what I want you to think, and if you're thinking that, then you've done this right so far.

    What you need to do then, is create a layer which will sit above EVERY OTHER LAYER, it wont scroll it wont move, and it has to sit exactly over your 320x240 playing area, taking into account the borders too (hey maybe the 4:3 crowd will get to see those amazingly rendered borders afterall!) Add a pixel shader to it, magnify, or lens, up to you whichever works best.

    Now the magic

    By using sysinfo, you can get the height information, which you will then use to change the size of this magnifying layer, depending on whatever resolution the user is running in. You'll have to use some math to get the width correct, but I'm sure someone else will be able to help on that score.

    You may have to tweak the size of your magnifying lens somewhat, to get it working right, it may not be as straight forward as just giving it a height to use.

    What you'll end up with, is a playing area which is always as high as the users resolution, and if you did it right, two nice borders down either side, and a tiled background to fill in the extra space, which using this method, wouldn't be much wasted space really, unless they've got some weird super wide monitor or something.

    As for the 4:3 users. Well it all depends really how the magnifying layer behaves on those displays, so it may just be a case of putting things in groups and turning off the magnifying layer and turning on a regular window set size group, depending on whatever resolution they're running at. And I'm pretty sure that's entirely possible too.

    I dunno, tested it and it seemed to work ok to me. So give it a go, see how it works for you.

  • What about a custom pixel shader, placed on a layer of it's own, over the entire game. You've seen how the lens and magnify shaders work, right? Then it would be entirely plausable to have a shader sitting over everything, which either stretches or shrinks in various directions while maintaining a specific ratio. I would think a type of refracting lens effect could do that in some way. And yes I'm aware this method wouldn't work for people with low end cards, but then, they're not likely to have fancy monitors requiring stuff like this, either.

    Or make a version for every fullscreen resolution commonly used at the moment (more work, but if it's so important to have this thing then you wont mind will you?). Then it's up to them what they download. Do a special edition version in widescreen and a common version in regular mode. Embrace it, turn the problem into an excuse to create two versions of one game.

    Or just create your game at 16:9 ratio but focus only in a 4:3 area in the middle. No different to how movies used to be done, when filmed in widescreen and then converted for 4:3 TV's. Use pan and scan to follow events in your game when in 4:3 mode.

    Or use deadeye's method rather than dismissing it because you don't really understand it.

    Or stop worrying about aspect ratio and finish the game first, by the time you've finished, there might be a proper solution available.

    Really there's loads of solutions, but there isn't a fix everything button you can click, and there likely isn't going to be for some time.

    [quote:1g6wm3dg]My game uses a 640x480 window with 200% zoom, meaning that it's displaying a 320x240 game view.

    So that makes me think you're going for the retro look. Deadeyes method sounds like the best one for you.

  • The way I read it. Imagine you've got two layers, one which displays on 4.3 displays, and one on 16:9 displays. Using the sysinfo you check which the user is running in and set that particular layer as visible.

    It'll be a bit more in depth than that, but that's the general idea, far as I can tell.

  • lol, lucky I didn't enter my own challenge then! That would have been embarrassing

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Lost my Keys

Member since 29 Nov, 2009

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