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  • > What I'd like to see is construct drop the whole 3D box thing


    I don't get it..

  • lol you beat me to it! I was off hunting for a working download for the hue tint effect (didn't think to check back here haha).

    Yay for overlap working!

  • Ok, so firstly this isn't a moan about there being an XBOX controller object. From what I can tell I was one of the few to yelp happily at seeing that and being able to have so much control over it.

    But after playing around with it for a while I wondered.. what about those players who use other controllers? How do we setup controls for the many other types of controller out there, are there any generic controller buttons/directions that can be used?

    Maybe I've just not seen the wood for the trees, I'm having a really bad week and wouldn't put that past me. I know there's mouse and keyboard controls (and I've forced myself into the habit of always setting up keyboard controls, including an Esc = close, no matter what I'm doing).

    Just wondered really, there's the group who like me, love their XBox controller, then there's the ones who use Playstation ones, then there's Logitech ones that seem very popular and so on and so forth. Just be nice for me to know how to consider those options, for future reference, and so I can avoid p*ssing anyone off (which I know I'm awfully good at ) by forcing them to use keys rather than their newly bought super expensive billion button diamond encrusted joystick.

    And for those expecting USB Vibrators, sorry to disappoint you

  • Hmm it's asking for a plugin I don't have, color lines I think it is? It wont load for me. :

    Have you made the else event a sub condition/event, that might stop it happening all the time and only when triggered?

  • Hmm, do any of your other DirectX apps/games crash too, or is it just construct? Is it the exe it creates that crashes, or temp.exe when you do a test in the program? Can you at least run the program, create something, or does it crash during that too?

    I'm sure someone else will be able to offer more help, best I can suggest is reinstalling it and make sure DirectX is installed and updated as needed too.

  • I thought this would be some simple fix, but went to try it, and yeah, no rotation for me either. Or for that matter with display angle (which I know has worked before because I did it once by accident).

    So while I can't help, at least you know you're not alone.

  • Post your .cap so people can take a look and help more. Should work fine.

  • overlap?

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  • What video card do you have, and how much memory? And do you get any error messages, and if so, what are they?

  • Ok look at this super quick example here

    Firstly, imagine it's seamless, it obviously isn't but you can imagine it is. Also imagine more detail lol.

    My question is. How would you go about creating a sprite or background using frames like that, say for inside a corridor, which would display a particular frame depending on the distance from the center of the screen (in this case on the X axis). So if you move left or right, the frames update to give a more advanced parallax effect, without using layers or the usual tricks, and keeping the effect of objects off in the distance. Hmm not easy to explain really. Basically the sprites would all use a different frame, depending on their position, then each would update to the next and so on, as you moved.

    You can see a similar effect in the second stage of Blazing Star (Arcade).

    <img src="http://www.homemademech.com/Uploads/Greview/32141240788335.jpg">

    Only in that example it continually scrolls. What I'm wanting is sprites that only change when you move left or right and keeps still when the player is. There's probably a really easy way of doing this, but trying to think too clearly while sick, isn't one of my strong points.

  • Like I said, canvas is bugged. Where and how, I don't know, but someone had posted it on the bug report thing around the time I posted about it not appearing correctly.

    P.S. Thanks for changing your avatar Deadeye to something less... upsetting lol!

  • okay, say you have depth per object. This depth is..... PER OBJECT. So, any light occlusion effects will happen PER OBJECT.... thus doing them PER PIXEL is overkill. Just fake it with another object, as it will essentially be a drop shadow. DoF also doesn't make any sense in 2D. I did post a variable blur shader, that when applied to a whole layer accomplishes what you'd probably call DoF... but it's way simpler and doesn't rely on depth..

    True, but the way I'm looking at it, is all those objects have different depth maps, which all make up one full screen depth map. Now if you apply the SSAO shader to the full screen, it grabs the depth map of everything there, rather than individual objects only (which I agree would be kinda pointless and wasteful), so you've got faked AO across the entire gamescreen regardless what's going on in the game. To bake all that into your artwork and take into account objects passing other objects is out of the question.

    As for DOF, yeah I can agree with you there. A DOF shader would just serve to simplify the effect, but in the end results in practically the same look. I think I have played around with your blur shader btw, it's the one that can be used to create a motion blur effect without the painful overhead of using the built in motion blur, right? At least that's how I planned on using one along those lines, and in tests it didn't kill framerate!

    [quote:28g4a6t8]So you have a frame-based animation. This animation has a depth animation, where each frame has a corresponding depth map. This depth map has a SSAO shader. Notice that since SSAO is calculated on the depthmap that only changes with each animation frame, the results will also only change with each animation frame...

    Now, consider baked ambient occlusion. You only have animation, no depth... you have REAL AO, since you'd get it from your renderer of choice. No shader. Results also change with each animation frame.

    Same effect, half the texture memory, much faster, much simpler.

    Thus, SSAO in 2D is pointless.

    But like I say, you're then stuck with what you've got baked into your artwork. Which is perfectly fine for static objects or certain situations and it's a well used trick of the trade. But interactive area's and objects could benefit, BUT only if it's done right. Flat drop shadows are ok to a point, but they show up the 2Dness of things, unless they can make use of a depth map (or height map) to shape the shadow in realtime across something behind them. The option to use either would be the best bet, as there's lots of uses for drop shadows and SSAO.

    Parallax Occlusion Maps would have their uses though. Here's a quick example It would help to bring a little more depth to a game, a subtle but useful effect.

    Course, end of the day, it's all down to how a game is made. They didn't have none of these things in the old days and got around them all via various tricks.

    [quote:28g4a6t8]I only say this because I see a lot of people go and play Crysis or whatever and then come back and excitedly ask for something they saw there to be in Construct.... but VERY FEW 3D effects make sense in 2D.

    Heh yeah, we were using all these things for years then video games started using similar things and suddenly every gamer in the world was an "expert" on them and had to use them in EVERYTHING, lol. Was like with Babylon 5 making lens flares popular, suddenly everything had to have a bloody awful lens flare stuck on it, or Poser, spawning countless thousands of badly made Poser "art".

    Personally I'm more a fan of putting as much detail into something than relying on realtime effects than I might seem. But I can't help but be very, very curious how some of these effects could be used in a 2D only situation. Same with physics, everyone said it could never work in 2D, then someone went and did it, and well, now we've got 2D physics and it's pretty useful

    Besides it's no secret how I feel about the whole "oh oh lets make construct 3D!!!!1111oneoneoneeleven", it's a 2D app and should remain a 2D app. It has a good chance of being a very popular one, but if it tries to be 3D or a jack of all trades, it's doomed. But things like parallax occlusion, SSAO, normal maps, realtime lighting/shadows (that use an objects shape not it's bounding box plzkthx lol) or even a behavior along the lines of the apparantly abandoned #6 challenge, for getting certain shadow effects easily. They all have their uses in 2D too. Not as immediately obvious as they would be in 3D. But uses all the same.

    What I'd like to see is construct drop the whole 3D box thing, but focus on allowing things to have internal depth, using the grayscale maps, and soft shadow casting. Imagine a top down game in a haunted house, shadows flickering across the floor, rooms in darkness, pushing open a physics enabled door that lets some light in just as something jumps out of the shadows and and and.. lol yeah

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Lost my Keys

Member since 29 Nov, 2009

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