Toya Aponesto's Recent Forum Activity

  • LOL! You can't blame the guy for giving his ideas. Well those a nice ideas and would really help a lot but I think it may take a while before those get implemented. Even the plugins/behaviors I'm waiting for haven't been added yet so I'm waiting patiently.

  • LOL! Well, I'm getting curious. How do we find the princess? Is it some tiny icon that we need to click? Or do we just stay on a certain page and wait for it to appear or something.

  • Aaawww thats too bad lol. But anyway, as long as its a bug then it doesn't matter. I'll look for it again.... But I don't know how to...

  • I "Think" I have it. It did say on one notices that I was awarded with this.... err Pirate Princess badge, but I don't see it as 'checked' on my badge list. Is this suppose to be normal? Or am I getting this wrong? <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey, thanks. I guess I could go with that for now. But thinking that there might be an RTS behavior similar to CC coming out soon, I'm having second thoughts since if it DOES appear, I'll have to redo my codes and replace them with the RTS behavior.

  • Ok, I've triedd searching for 'RTS' on the C2 board but nothing significant seems to pop out. I'm also not sure if it was discussed in some other topics but, will this behavior be released any time soon? Or is it already existing in the current build which I'm not aware of?

    The game I'm planning to make revolves around this behavior which will be based on my CC one. So... yeah. Please enlighten me <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I don't really know the history but, how did English became the international language? Or is it not?

  • My native languange isn't English either, it's actually Tagalog or the common native language here in the Philippines. But I'm good with English I guess since I get high grades on my English subjects when I was still in Uni (not bragging though :P). So yeah... I guess that's it. I don't have problems understanding English grammar.

  • Yeah, the Chat! thing above is what I was referring to that was being blocked in my office. So I dunno if putting a chat box in the same forum page will have the same effect or may have a miracle and won't get blocked :P.

    Also, its for people who don't really stay too long on the forums but just pass by to look at things real quick.

  • Right now plugins are just text files containing some javascript, so it's kind of tricky to think how they could be sold.

    Oh really? So its kind of different to the plugins from Classic then. I see. Well maybe you can convert it to some unique file type if you could I guess. But C2 for now is good enough for me, I'm just going to be worried about the price *winks*.

  • Sprite/image imports is like one of the basic things for a game development system. So it would be hell if it was not include. :P

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  • Yeah, I think the idea of a free and a licensed version is good enough. But for me, the problem there is the price for the licensed version <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> . I also like the idea of selling individual plugins or something for you to add to your free version just in case you don't want to have all the functions in the licensed version (depending if that system is going to work anyway).

    For example, you have a free version and it has all the functions you need for your game except for one plugin which we'll call PluginA. Then you know that PluginA is included in the licensed version. So you can like buy only the PluginA and import it on your free version and you're all set to go. Something like that I guess.

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Toya Aponesto

Member since 12 Oct, 2009

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