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  • Tulamide, it didn't work. But thanks anyway! I'll try again later =).If it doesn't work, then you've done something wrong. For me it works like a charme, as you can see here:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11182740/pictures/latitude.png" border="0">

    I will share the cap with you, but you should try to find your mistake, in order to learn. And maybe try something else for a start, to get used to CC?


  • When converting a string to a number, the string must begin with the number. It stops as soon as there is anything else. For example int("2g34") will return 2, float("3.2H45") will return 3.2, and float("S3.34022") will return 0, as it starts with a letter.

    But there is an easier way to achieve the results. As I understand, latitudes may be written as with "N" and "S" or "+" and "-" in the beginning. If so, then just use replace()

    + Button: On Button clicked

    -> System: Set global variable 'latitude' to replace(Uppercase(EditBox.Text), "N", "+")

    -> System: Set global variable 'latitude' to replace(global('latitude'), "S", "-")

    -> Text: Set text to global('latitude')

    latitude is a text variable

    This event will first convert the text of the editbox to uppercase, then replace all "N" in that text with "+" and all "S" with "-". This way, the user can enter the latitude in any way, e.g. "+3.34", "N3.34", "n3.34"

    However, you still have to make sure the latitude is not entered incorrectly.

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    Have a look at "How it works" and also check for "Reborn Horizon", last year's winner. It shows what quality they might expect.

  • Good luck, you both. And after having watched the video, I have to say, you really need to get some sleep, lucid. Fulltime doesn't necessarily mean 24 hours a day <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If you have an extra event sheet for all your audio events, you can specify where these events are valid by adding the system expression "get layout name" or "get layout number". You best use it in a compare event, like so:

    + System: LayoutName Equal to "options"

    -> add all events as subevents here, that belong to the layout "options"

  • On collision triggers one time only, not as long as the objects overlap. Change your code to

    + blue1: blue1 overlaps blue2

    -> Sprite: Make Invisible

    -> Sprite2: Make Visible

    + System: Else

    -> Sprite: Make Visible

    -> Sprite2: Make Invisible

    "is overlapping another object" results to true as long as they overlap.

  • yea it is! :) ty but how i create from 180 alone digit 8 or 1 or 0? is this possible?Of course, it is :)

    Convert the number to a string, then loop through the length of the string and extract one letter each time.

    number to string conversion: string = str(number)

    getting the length of a string: length = len(string)

    get a substring at any position: substring = mid(string, start, length)

    looping: For (name, start, end), use 1 for start and len(string) for end

    within the loop use mid(string, loopindex, 1) to get one letter at that position

    To convert a string to a number, use int(string) again.

    Here is a very simple cap: numbertodigits.cap

    Have a look at the Construct wiki, explaining all of the expressions: System expressions

  • It is a restriction by either the engine itself (box2D) or the implementation. From the Construct wiki:

    "Note: There is a maximum limitation of 20,000 x 20,000 on layout size with the physics behavior. If you go past this point with your object then physic behavior no longer works. "

    I assume it is a precision issue. Maybe box2D uses 32-bit data types, but whatever size one chooses for the data - there will be a limit. Because it is not the real world, but just a simulation... <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • If you need the remainder of a division, then it is modulo. The sign used for modulo division is %

    180 % 100 = 80

    179 % 10 = 9

    But you seem to simply need the integer division, which rounds down to the next integer. That's int(somecalculation) or floor(somecalculation)

    int(180/100) = 1

    int(179/10) = 17

  • Instead of using the "Music" and "Sounds" folders use the "Files" folder. Then use the various "...from resource" actions of XAudio2 to control them. For example, when using "Autoplay resource" you will select the music to play from a list.

    As long as you are working on the cap, all those files will stay where they are, just a path to the file is stored. As soon as you build the executable, those files will be copied and added as resources to the .exe-file.

  • The mouse&keyboard object contains the action "Set cursor visible", which toggles the visibility.


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  • 1) Start by isolating the string beginning with ".spawncoin5g":

    substring = Right(theOriginalString, Len(theOriginalString)+ 1 - Find(".spawncoin5g", theOriginalString))

    2) Now look at the second token, if any:

    + NumTokens(substring, " ") > 1

    -> spawnnumber = int(GetToken(substring, 2, " "))

    + Else

    -> spawnnumber = 1

    substring and spawnnumber are variables, of course.

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