The computer slows down when I rotate my "player", It's because the computer has problems processing the L and R sprites. Halp
I got a runtime error trying to open it.
To make that more clear, if you have 10 enemies, make a variable called "#ofEnemies" and set it to 10 and every time an enemy dies subtract 1. Then make an event that says when #ofEnemies equals 0 goto the next layout.
Oh, yah. Anyway, halp?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
why 0 len(EditBox 0 .Text) Greater than 0?
A 0 before len?
<img src="">
i don't know why this won't work D: <look at the "menu" layout
That's weird, I must have accidentally deleted it.
That's the .cap
& and + can both be used
Nevermind, it didn't work. Here's what I did:
<img src="">
i can get a textbox.getLineCount, but not a letterCount, is it possible to get the amount of letters?
I mean the taskbar, like this;
<img src="">
Member since 11 Jul, 2009