I want to compare an angle when it's right (0) but it only compares when it's EXACTLY that. I wan't it to be able to compare about more or less to 5 degrees. So like this:
anywhere in those angles or between should be possible.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My guy shows up as the background in the minimap.
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2159 ... f6e8ebb871
Sorry, broken link
This is way over my head, I tried to make it so when charlie touches "Gem" his sprite is destroyed & Charlie W/ gun is created where "Player" is. But that doesn't work because you have Player and Charlie in a container so they're both destroyed when I just try to destroy the Charlie sprite. And I can't uncontainer them because a lot of the coding you did for it needs it. I never use containers because this kind of **** happens and you have to start all over. The easiest thing to do would be to create a sprite called "gun" and when weapon=1 set "gun's" position to charlies hand so it looks like he's holding it.
um, my messenger account
oh, ok.
My yahoo is
Do you have an MSN or something we can chat on?
Ok, here's my so far design:
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=0be3 ... f6e8ebb871
(It's called Animalz)
I've made my own version if it helps.
If you guys are still for this, I'm in.
How do I change the default icon for when my game is on the desktop, and the icon in the top-left of the window when it's running?
Member since 11 Jul, 2009