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  • Hey, thank you all for your answers!

    I will give the splitting technique a go; it seems much more reasonable for a big number of animations.

    And Lucid, I can see the point on using variables, it seems more "clean". I�ll try that too.

    And yes, Deadeye, my test character doesn�t crouch so much, I will have that in mind when (if I ever) design my own original character.

    BTW, it is so difficult to be original when u�r working with a black and white 32 x 32 pixels sprite!. If I want to make an american WWII soldier it would most probably end up looking much the same as this one, but never as good!!

    I like tiny black and white sprites, and thats because I grew up playing games on a ZX Spectrum (and yes, I am THAT old )

  • Hi all,

    This is kind of a generic question. Are there any generic rules for setting up as much animations as needed for a specific sprite? I mean, the order of the events, the use of sub-events, etc.

    I am doing a test platformer (metal slug - like), and I am focusing first in the range of animations that the player sprite needs. The problem is that I cannot find a way to know the propper order of events. Every time I insert a new animation, it takes me ages to set the events in a way that mahe them behave as I intended.

    The player character is a single sprite of a soldier that needs the following animations:




    crouching walking



    And two more sets of animations for each of those attitudes: one set for shooting, and one set for knife stabbing.

    shoot while running

    shoot while standing

    shoot while crouching

    shoot while crouching walking

    shoot while jumping

    shoot while falling

    knife stab while running

    knife stab while standing

    knife stab while crouching

    knife stab while crouching walking

    knife stab while jumping

    knife stab while falling

    So far, I have only managed to make work the ones I marked in GREEN (the last two with help from Deadeye), but every time I try to add a new one, I end up trying lots of different combinations in order of events, with or without sub-events, etc. It also may happen that I manage to make a new animation right, but it screws up one of the previous ones that worked ok.

    Any advice will be appreciated.

  • It also worked as you suggested. Thanks again, see you soon.

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  • Thanks a lot deadeye for your fast answer, your platform tutorial is awesome.

    Yes, I did as you said, and that fixes the recoil animation problem, but now, if I keep pressing the "shoot" key and i move to left or right, the soldier "slides" over the ground, as the condition "is walking and X is not being pressed" doesnt occur and so the "running" animation is not started.

    I�ll try to fix it, but probably I�ll have to post for help again. Back to it...


    I DID IT!!. I just had to add another event below the last one, saying: if "player" is walking, then set the soldier animation to "running". As the application reads it after the other animation events, as soon as i move the soldier, the running animation starts, even if I keep pressing the "shoot" key. It may not be the most efficient way to do it, but it worked!

  • Hi there, I�m new to Construct and I love it.

    I have found this little problem: this is a platform test with a soldier (public domain sprite) that shoots a gun. I have set up the animations for running, standing, and crouching, and it works ok. Then I also set up two more animations for the recoil when shooting, one while standing, and the other for crouching (two frames each).

    The problem is that when I shoot, it only shows the first frame of the recoil animations, and it keeps on frame 0, as I see in the debugger. I want to see the two frames loop while the "shoot" key ("X") is down.

    I tried different event orders, with and without sub-events, and I cannot manage it to work. I must be doing something wrong with the event setup.

    Any clues to help me sort this out?

    Thanks very much for your help, and if you developers read this, congrats for your efforts, this program is amazing, I always dreamed about making my own games! Keep the good work!

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Member since 20 Jun, 2009

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