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  • Yeah, I kinda figured that part out. I was just wondering if there was some easy way to have multiple directions that WEREN'T tied to the normal angle system.

    I am planning on trying to get a laptop at the end of summer, since the school I'm going to won't have room for a desktop computer. I will pick out one that has a good graphics card for sure.

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  • I already have a seperate colision detector :T

    My problem is with the displayed guy

  • I am super sorry if this covers any material in any of the tutorials, but my computer can't run them. I think it is because I do not have a graphics card, but I can't really afford one right now.

    Okay, so I am very used to MMF 2's system, and because I have read so many good things about Construct I am trying to switch over. I don't want to use the default "behaviors" that it comes with, because I feel that they give me less control than I want, so I basically re-did one of the custom platform movements I had in MMF 2

    My problem stems from the fact that Construct does not have directions- rather, it has angles. I like being able to manipulate the angle of my sprite without affecting the direction they are currently facing, so this is a problem. His default direction is right (angle 0), and the first thing I tried was manually flipping his animation frames in the animator for left (angle 180). I did not like how this affected his natural rotation, so I tried the mirror flip--- this also ruined the rotation, and since there are no events concerning this check box, I felt it took away some of the control I need.

    So am I overlooking a feature, or is there a good way of doing what I want to do? The only idea I have would be to make each direction of an animation a separate animation, which could get confusing and cluttered. Perhaps I should request a feature for construct 2.0?

    It may not seem like that big of a deal, but since I am not a very good game maker I do my best to make my games as graphically pleasing as possible. Thanks in advance dooooooods

  • Hello my name is Gabe and I am not so good with computers.

    I am training to be an animator (for movies) but I enjoy making games in my free time, even if I am not very good at it. My brother and dad are both programmers, but I just can't get the hang of code because I am bad with numbers! I grew up with click n' play and mmf, though so I am able to use those. I read that my favorite MMF developer Konjak, had switched to using Construct, and so I decided to check it out. The skeleton movement in particular appealed to me because it would make making bosses a lot easier.

    I am still learning Construct and havin some problems but I'm doin my best.

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Member since 20 Jun, 2009

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