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  • Unfortunately this is in the realm of impossible to debug from screenshots.

    If all the bullets are getting destroyed then you’ll want to look at all the places you destroy them. Or maybe you have a behavior that destroys them like fade.

    Logic wise I’d say the hot spots to look at are your events around the waits and the else events. Maybe the logic is doing something unexpected.

    If I end up with events that don’t work as expected I try to isolate it, and maybe incrementally re-build it a bit at a time while doing tests as you go.

    Events have a fair amount of hard to follow edge cases so I’m often either just using stuff I fully understand or doing extra tests while I implement stuff.

    Anyways, good luck

  • There is animation software that does that sort of thing like spine or spriter.

    But the idea is simple enough. To animate you just move objects to different positions. You can get away with less key frames by using an ease to blend between frames. And that’s about it. The rest is just creativity.

  • Here's a way to do it. The meat of it is to take a line and divide a polygon into two. Then you can utilize a mesh distort to apply a polygon to a sprite. The more complex part was to eliminate bad edge cases.

    When you right click on the sprite it divides it in two then divides one of the halves in two as well. There are probably other strategies to break things up.


  • They changed it. FPS is the number of drawn frames in a second. What fps used to be is now tickspersecond I think.

  • Visually the easiest solution would be to use sprites instead of the tilemap so you could ysort.

    I also agree the two tilemap idea is one option. A tilemap for the collision and base of the walls and another tilemap for the top. It wouldn’t quite work for your example images unless the walls were taller though.

    Another idea is to mask out the parts of the player behind the walls. To do that you’d put the player on its own layer with “force own texture” then you’d place a bunch of rectangle sprites over the walls, and give those sprites the “destination out” blend. Finally you’d ysort the player with those mask sprites. Enemies and whatever else can be on that layer too. I’m not convinced it’s a better idea. It would work with any size walls but you’d have to go through the trouble of manually placing the mask sprites.

    A third option would be to have a second empty tilemap above the player, then every tick look at the tiles the player was on and place tiles on the second tilemap if they should be above the player. You’d need more events to each type of tile but would be fairly straightforward. The main con with this way would be that it only would work with one object.

    A more generic variation of the above would be to have a sprite with all the same images as the tilemap tile set and just blindly create a sprite at any tile the player overlaps. Then you’d just ysort with those created sprites. That would trivially support enemies too. It would give the benefits of sorting just sprites while only doing it in places that need it.

    There are probably other ideas too.

  • Thanks but I often combine too many things together so it’s not super readable to others. I also did some ugly shortcuts toward the end which made it even less readable. But my goal was to test my ideas instead of just talk about them. If any part of it is useful that’s a good thing.

    You’ll probably want to do it in your own style in a way you understand.

    By far the easiest way to go about the ai would be with simple math and manually inputting the probability numbers.

    Count = claimCount - (number of ones) - (number of dice=claimPip)

    If (number of other players dice)=5

    If count =5

    — set probability to 0.045

    … and so on for ever combination of dice count and count. In a more compact way you can have all the probability numbers in an array and you can access it with one event. That link you posted has a table of some of the probabilities. Or you can calculate them with that formula.

    An amusing side effect of writing the probabilities down manually is you could just use arbitrary numbers and you’d change the ai’s decision making.

  • The actual array object is nice and all, but it’s also nice to be able to have arrays be scoped like local or instance variables. It’s also nice to be able to have temporary arrays.

    It would also be nice to not have to deal with picking with them. Picking two instances separately at the same time, and how created objects have certain limits on how they can be picked for a bit are two complications of using picking.

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  • I think we are limited to only numbers, text and Booleans for variables and parameters for the foreseeable future.

  • One way is to have the sprite and shadow as separate objects. Say you click somewhere you'd have the shadow move in a straight line and the sprite in a curved one. Here's one way to do it. You may be able to do it with eases instead, but I'm not super familiar with a lot of C3's easing, timeline or move to features.

    mouse: on click
    -- sprite: set t to 0
    -- sprite: set startX to self.x
    -- sprite: set startY to self.y
    -- sprite: set goalX to mouse.x
    -- sprite: set goalY to mouse.y
    sprite: t<1
    -- sprite: set t to min(1, self.t + 5*dt)
    -- shadow: set x to lerp(sprite.startX, sprite.goalX, sprite.t)
    -- shadow: set y to lerp(sprite.startY, sprite.goalY, sprite.t)
    -- sprite: set x to lerp(sprite.startX, sprite.goalX, sprite.t)
    -- sprite: set y to qarp(sprite.startY, (sprite.startY+sprite.goalY)/2-100 ,sprite.goalY, sprite.t)
  • I decided to test the brute force method. It's plenty fast but I'm not sure it's simpler than just using a formula. Guess I'll try making a formula that does the same thing with probability math later.

    I ended up building a full game to test it. You control both players and the ai provides a probability by each button based on guessing the other player's dice. To play as a player don't look at the other player's dice, and to play as an ai press buttons based on the probability by it.

    I probably fudged the rules a bit. I'm assuming you can increase the pip or count by more than one, and the first player gets to start at any pip or count they like. I just had it start at "1 two".

    Anyways, it's not the cleanest or most readable but it was meant to test calculating the probability and seeing how the ai could use that to make a decision. It seems like a viable way to go about it.


    Now lets look at the math way to do it. That article you posted gets you most of the way there...

    K = (number of dice in the claim) - (number of dice in the player's hand that match the pip or is wild (one))
    N = (number of dice that the other player has)
    Probability = 0
    compare: K=0
    -- set probability to 1
    compare: K<=N
    Repeat K times
    -- add factorial(N)/(factorial(loopindex+1)*factorial(N-loopindex-1))*((1/3)^(loopindex+1))*((2/3)^(N-loopindex-1)) to probability
    function factorial(num)
    -- return (num=0 | num=1)?1:factorial(num-1)

    Here's the same thing in formula form in case I made typos.

    Anyways, hopefully some of that helps.

  • What aspect of the math do you need help with specifically?

    Calculating the probability that that the other player’s dice have at least n dice of a certain number?

    Say the other player claims 5 twos. And you have 2 twos, then you’d only need to calculate the probability that the other player has at least 3 twos. (Since 5-2=3)

    After that if the probability is too low you can call the other player a liar.

    The only other action is making another claim. For that you’d take one of the numbers on your dice, count the number of dice you have with that value and add 1,2,3,4 or 5 to it. It just depends how risky you want to be.

    Anyways you want a way to get the probability that the other player has at least n dice with a certain value. N is the number of dice.

    The math way to do it is with “probability math”. You can find some nice tutorials online that explain that well. That’s the only math stuff that that article you linked uses for the most part. And really the only strange math operation is the “!” Whitch is called a factorial. For example 4!=4*3*2*1

    If you don’t like math then you can also brute force it. Just try all possible dice rolls and count the number of them with at least n dice with a certain value. For 5 dice that’s 6^5 or 7776 possible rolls. No issue to do with a loop.

    In a similar vein you could find an approximate probability by only sampling some of the possible rolls. Basically roll all 5 dice 1000 times randomly, and count the number of them with n dice of a certain value.

    Another way is to not count or calculate anything. Just have the probabilities pre calculated in an array and reference that.