Probably best to create a new topic asking about Q3d since I’ve never used it and don’t have it. That would give better visibility for anyone who actually use/used it.
With this plug-in you can’t access vertex positions. What you can do is make another object and position it relative to another object. So if you know the original vertex position (say 1,2,3) you can position and object to that but use the relto field to be the other object that’s rotating.
Anyways, just a possible solution idea. I haven’t been on a computer for months so I haven’t tested this.
For the second question, I don’t have a capx. The post I made seems sound. Guess you could do it with the move at angle action too.
Sprite2: set position to center
Sprite2: move 100*cos(10*time) pixels at angle center.angle
Sprite2: move 50*sin(10*time) pixels at angle center.angle+90
Anyways, you probably would get better help with a new topic. There are a lot of users that have the time to check what the issue with your capx could be. Or they could give their own solution with more support than I can currently give. I only offer solutions off the top of my head lately. All I can guess is if it’s working for one object and not the others is the other objects aren’t using the same code or you’re overlooking some picking aspect or something.