R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • I mean you could first store the calculated damage in a variable and then subtract it from the health.

    By 40 do you mean you have the events you’ve shown duplicated 40 times with individual tweaks for different attacks?

    That just means there will be busywork for any change you go with. Personally I’d try to utilize a function to use less duplicated code.

    I guess a two event hack would be to add a variable to the monsters for their old health and do something like this:

    Every tick

    — monsters: set oldHealth to self.health

    … all existing events …

    For each monster

    — player: add 0.05*(monster.health-monster.old health) to health

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    Maybe some other time.

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    It was a friendly request by the guy that gave the most of his time trying to help. No need to get grumpy.

    I think today is a nice day for a stroll.

  • Scroll down to “contact us” and you can find the email there?

  • No need. Oosyrag covered it.

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    In this context it’s fine using -infinity for volume. It converts to 0 anyways internally when the decibels are converted back to the 0-1 range for webaudio

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    I mean with the formula

    Decibels = 33*log10(percent/100)

    We get approximately

    0db for 100%

    -5db for 75%

    -10db for 50%

    -20db for 25%

    -infinity db for 0%

    So decibels and percent are pretty interchangeable in that regard. Fading with one unit vs the other would give different results for sure. For a slider I’d use percent. With the numbers I’m not seeing how the top half would barely do anything.

    Construct and Audacity are the only pieces of software I’ve used that has decibels. I’ve certainly never played a game where volume was anything but a percent. Audio apis such as webaudio and fmod set volume in the 0-1 range, so basically a percentage.

  • Those debug console error messages are seldom helpful. Could it be an issue with a third party plugin? Maybe. Some were never tested with the minifier so that could be the issue. My only suggestion is to try exporting with the minifier turned off.

  • If you exported to the arcade and uploaded the exported file it should work.

  • Fixed.

    * drag based on where the mouse clicks now like you had it before.

    * also fixed the janking craziness. Turns out near a tilt of 90 things could go haywire. Fix was to limit tilt to range 1 to 89.


  • Here's one possible solution. Can't make an example with the free version.

    + layer 1: force own texture
    |-+ light: force own texture, effect darken, transparent no, color black, 
    |-------- light gradients with destination-out blend
    |-+ level: level stuff
    + layer 0: background

    Basically you'd have a light layer that's black with the light gradients with the destination-out or additive blend. The layer has force own texture so we can apply it to another layer.

    Below that you have a normal layer with all of your layer.

    To show a normal background layer under all that you'd place the light and level layers as sub-layers to a new layer with force own texture. Finally add a bottom layer with the background.

  • For 1.

    Sounds like a bug. When a texture is created from an image the code specifies whether the texture repeats or is clamped. So looks like construct recognizes that it’s the same texture and reuses it but doesn’t change the repeat mode of the texture.

    For 2.

    Tiledbg has a texture per instance. By default it loads the default one when creating, but when you load a texture it replaces it on that instance alone.

    Sprites have their textures in an animation structure that’s shared between instances. So if you replace a texture it affects all instances.

    I thought they added a way to add frames at runtime too for sprites. But overall the textures are loaded in specific ways per type.