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  • I have read the documentation on these functions carefully, but did not find the answer.

    -1 Question. If we change the order of image loading in sprite and TitleBackground the result can be unexpected. It can be easily found out at the viewing stage.

    -2 Question. When we create a new copy of a sprite, it has an image that was previously loaded into it. When creating a new TitleBackground it has the original image. I am interested in why there is such a difference. I load some images to use throughout the project, but in the case of the TitleBackground I have to load it again each time I create it.

    version r397


  • I forget why but you're right - Tiled BG, you could have 10 instances onscreen and each can load a unique image into it. But sprite replaces the image for all instances and even newly created instances.

    Odd in some ways and I do wish we could have similar unique images with Sprites, but at least we can make do with Dynamic Animations!

  • I forget why but you're right - Tiled BG, you could have 10 instances onscreen and each can load a unique image into it. But sprite replaces the image for all instances and even newly created instances.

    Odd in some ways and I do wish we could have similar unique images with Sprites, but at least we can make do with Dynamic Animations!

    Ooh on the contrary, I'd like to load all the taledbackgrounds and sprites once during game startup and then just use them.

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  • For 1.

    Sounds like a bug. When a texture is created from an image the code specifies whether the texture repeats or is clamped. So looks like construct recognizes that it’s the same texture and reuses it but doesn’t change the repeat mode of the texture.

    For 2.

    Tiledbg has a texture per instance. By default it loads the default one when creating, but when you load a texture it replaces it on that instance alone.

    Sprites have their textures in an animation structure that’s shared between instances. So if you replace a texture it affects all instances.

    I thought they added a way to add frames at runtime too for sprites. But overall the textures are loaded in specific ways per type.

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