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  • I thought only those four files were encrypted? Did the rest of the folders get corrupted too or are the files in them intact still? If they are intact those steps should work. The google keys is separate.

    On a side note have you been able to remove the virus that is encrypting the files? If it's still live that's not good.


    looks like there are some guides on how to remove the virus. For free looks like it is a bit more involved.

    To decrypt the files I didn't find any decryption tools for that, but one site recommended doing deleted file recovery. Basically the the old version of the file is in limbo in the file system, and could be possibly recovered if it hasn't been overwritten. Anyways, just throwing some ideas out there.

    The whole thing sounds like a real pain.

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  • Surely there is some law enforcement trying to catch people like that. And while it's true you may not get results in your particular case here, long term with more info investigators could put two and two together and get those criminals. Anyways, I just haven't looked into it.

    Apart from that here is how you could remake the c3proj file. At least most of it, some info is lost in the corrupted one, but at least it should open in construct and you can fix the remaining parts there.

    1. Find out all the plugins you used.

    Look in the objecttypes folder, open each json file and the third line of each will be "plugin-id": nameOfAddon.

    2. Create a new c3 project and add one object of each plugin you found in step one. That includes behaviors.

    3. Save that project and get it's c3proj file and put it into your project folder you want to fix. We won't need the rest.

    4. Next open up that c3proj in some kind of text editor. Look for each of these sections:


    for each of those it will look like this:

    "objectTypes": {
    	"items": [
    	"subfolders": []

    Then what you do is put a comma separated list of the filenames of that folder in between the [] after items.

    So for example if your object types folder had: cat.json, dog.json, array.json. you'd do this:

    "objectTypes": {
    	"items": [
    	"subfolders": []

    5. once that is done you should be able to save the changes and open that file in C3. Barring any typos.

    All that's left is you will have to change the project properties from your memory to what they should be.

    Also if you used any containers you'll have to manually re add them since that info is lost.

    Hope that helps.

  • The c3project is json based as I recall, and since everything else is intact it should be possible to rebuild it.

    You can get the basic structure by making a new project and saving it to get its c3project file.

    Then just manually add all the relevant parts. I think it’s mostly just a list of object types, event sheets and layouts. It may just list everything else in the the sub-folders though, I haven’t looked yet.

    Things like project settings you’d have to redo.

    Those ransomware virus’ seem like a real pain. If you can report their info somewhere hopefully they can be brought to justice. As is I wouldn’t pay them, but that’s just me. I doubt I’d get what I paid for, plus why would I trust more software that probably has a virus as well.

    Anyways I think it’s possible to remake that c3project file. Just need to look at an uncorrupted one to see the structure. The ui state stuff is generated by construct so it shouldn’t be needed.

  • When I was talking about the angular velocity I meant that the hits won't cause the objects to spin with the current math.

    Anyways, made a simple test of the bounce math and it seems to be working in all directions:


    The only difference is it utilizes a min() so it will only bounce when the objects are moving toward each other. Otherwise I guess you'd want to test your conversions to and from the bullet and custom movement behaviors in your project.

  • Looks ok as best I can tell by just looking at the events. I may be missing something though.

    The action to set the speed of the object when it leaves orbit is incorrect. It should be:

    LinearSpeed = angularSpeed*radius*pi/180

    And I’m pretty sure the orbit speed is an angular speed.

    The angle of motion looks ok. It works for cw rotation. It would be -90 for ccw, and you’d probably want to put the speed calc in an abs().

    As far as the bounce calculation itself, it bounces whenever the objects collide. You can modify it so it only bounces when the objects are moving toward each other.

    Set vrel to (obst.vx - player.vx) * cos(a) + (obst.vy - player.vy) * sin(a)

    If Vrel <0

    Set j to -(1+e) * vrel / (1/player.mass + 1 / obst.mass)

    ...and do rest of bounce stuff.

    Other than that the bounce may not be exactly what was expected since it’s treating the two objects as circles with the collision point directly between them. Boxes usually can have the collision point all over the place which will change up how it will bounce.

    That and the bounce won’t change the angular velocity as is which adds to making the bounce not look right.

    Both can be solved with more logic to calculate the collision point, as well as modifying the equations to take angular velocity into consideration.

  • I think you can enable/disable the depth buffer per layer. So turn off 3D on the hud layer and it should work I think.

    Haven’t tried it but it was hashed out in the releases after they added it.

  • Oh yeah. Forgot about tiledbackground. Probably would be simpler.

  • You could use sprite mesh distort to do that. You just change the texture coordinates to display a different sub-image.

    Here it's using a spritesheet with a grid of 13x6 sub-images.


    Toggle the set mesh point actions to disable the rotation.

  • The 3d shape was to enable the depth buffer on the layer. It's not needed if you change a project setting though.

    The trick here was to wrap a sprite with a 2d mesh into a sphere, but you could do other shapes too.

    Here's a cube. Pardon the events. I packed the vertex data in numbers 0-7. Can rotate around x and y axis, and still is one sprite. The trick was to collapse parts of the mesh that were not needed.


    So it would be possible to do papercraft, you'd just need multiple sprites, and you'd need to specify uv's.

  • Here is an example that deforms a sprite into a 3d sphere using the mesh deform feature. It also has horizontal 3d rotation.



    - it's done by utilizing spherical coordinate equations.

    - you could get cones, cylinders, and torii in a similar way.

  • The new vanishing point feature can’t do that. It’s useful for some stylized effects or say you have a toolbar on the left half of your screen you can make the vanishing point centered on the right side area.

    To rotate the camera a bit like in that video you need to use a third party plugin. That guy actually used a camera plugin made by a user named mikal to do that.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for all the interest, and I’m glad it’s been useful. I ended up having to sideline further development for a bit. Life and stuff. Hope to get back to this eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.

    As to the requests:

    - Changing the texture filtering should be doable.

    - utilizing a sprites texture should be doable as well. Just have to take into account sprite sheeting.

    - I don’t have any immediate plans to allow adding/removing/modifying triangles from a mesh. Adding/modifying is a maybe. As is, I’d go with redoing the mesh from scratch per frame. I’m shooting with simple, easy to use and flexible. But I may change my mind after playing around with it.

    - I kind of like how the triangles are two sided, I can see how having single sided stuff allows for a texture on each side would be useful. May test later.

    - It would be nice to have some kind of animation like mesh deforms and skeleton skinning, but that would be a later feature as I’m not familiar with much of the various aspects of it. Currently, you can do stop motion style stuff with multiple object files. You’re only limited by memory there. Most any file format should be readable with varying degrees of difficulty. It’s the handling of that data that’s the most time consuming I think.

    - I have some ideas for collision detection and response. Ray casts would be nice too, but we’ll see how things go.

    My current tentative overall design would be:

    - Use tags for meshes, textures, and objects.

    - objects would be instead of the draw matrix. Instead you could specify as many objects as you liked. Each would have their own position, size, orientation and color. The you could change the mesh, and texture on the fly. While at it I’d like to make parenting too.

    The camera would treated as one of these objects so that would remove some redundancy.

    3D math within the event system gets busy looking fast so I’d like to add some more transformation features to simplify that. For example, rotate around an arbitrary axis, or moving at a 3D direction. We’ll see though.

    - rendering at least shadows from one light source would be cool too. It’s the type of thing that may be trickier than it seems. But as with everything else we shall see.

    Anyways. That’s the rough plan more or less.

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Member since 15 Jun, 2009

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