Katori's Recent Forum Activity

  • Existing iOS phones will probably not support WebGL, and PhoneGap only supports one sound at a time. This is simply unacceptable and is not likely to change.

    Yes, the AppMobi system (which is based on PhoneGap) requires the iOS/Android SDK. But have you read the directions? Both of the SDKs are free, and the system builds directly from a set of HTML and JS files, just like PhoneGap. It's basically drag-and-drop, after the code part is exported properly (as it would be from a Construct exporter).

    This would give us working apps now without having to wait for WebGL and sound support which will probably never come. The steps to turn it into an iOS app are literally drag-and-drop if the code is correct.

  • http://appmobi.com/opensource/

    Check out "DirectCanvas" and "DirectSound."

    I'm confident that these could be rolled into a proper iOS/Android App exporter for Construct, OR if someone wants to do it now, supposedly it's only a matter of changing "canvas" to "AppMobi.Canvas" in your script file to get graphics working (haven't learned about sound yet). I'm anxious to see someone try it. I would dig in but I'm away from my Windows PC right now so I can't use Construct.

    I hope that Ashley and the rest of the devs seriously consider this!

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  • I just can't figure out rotation. I wish that there could be a "rotate to angle over time" function, that would make my life a lot easier.

    Right now, all I want to do is have my character's sword swing when the attack button ("R" in the layout) is clicked. I can get it to swing down but when I try to get it to rotate back up, it gets spazzed out. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this and there has to be an easier way. Can someone take a look at my CAPX and tell me what I'm doing wrong?


  • Thanks a tonne, that fixed it.

  • None of the browsers are currently working for me with accessing a preview. Chrome reports that it cannot find localhost. IE9 says that it can't display the webpage. In the past I have solved similar problems by using instead of localhost but this solution doesn't work and results in a HTTP 400 error. I'm on Win7 x64 and using the latest release of x64 Construct.

    This most likely isn't a Construct error, but one with my machine or Windows installation. Is there anyone else who initially encountered this problem that fixed it?

    Apologies if this has been reported before, I used the search tool to see if it had.

  • I'm not sure multiple windows works at the moment in Construct? My experiments with them never did anything. Someone a little more experienced than me will have to clarify.

  • Yeah, many of those no longer work. The CAP for Standard Waiver doesn't work. I'm sure they COULD work with some tweaking, but I was asking for a simple explanation of the basic concepts or maths, so that I could know how exactly to do that.

    EDIT: Game Maker uses a function called d3d_set_projection in their scripting language to contribute to this effect. I've done some research on this and it looks like changing projection matrices would be a great way to get this effect, is this something that could possibly be created as a System action or plugin or something, since projection matrix transformation is a feature of Direct3d?

  • The excellent Standard Waiver was made in Construct, and I'd like some advice on how to do a similar effect on my own. The provided source CAP no longer works. Can anyone help me understand the maths on the 3D boxes that are needed to manipulate them in the way that provides the illusion of first-person perspective? This could open a lot of doors for me if someone could help. And of course I'm sure there's others out there looking to do something similar.

  • I'm using 0.99.5, but it's been happening even in the stable branch for me for a while now. Ashley, I'll send you a CAP soon, on the promise that it will be kept confidential between you and whoever else you need to fix the problem, and no one else, okay?

  • What is the cause of this error? Obviously it's exporting a blank EXE, but why? It's gotten to the point where I have to export dozens of times now before I get a working one.

  • Thanks, I couldn't get that to work at first, now it does. Great

  • I have a zoom function implemented in my latest project. Strange thing though--the game is grid-based, and when I zoom out and move around...well, the tiles on the grid move with the "camera" object. Or at least, it looks like they do.

    Is the Zoom feature functional or do I need to scrap this? I can post a CAP further showing the problem if need be.

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Member since 7 Jun, 2009

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