Jburton's Recent Forum Activity

  • yep,

    could do applications for my phone easily, sounds tempting.

    Do it and rule the World. hehe

  • I'll throw a rock...

    remember SWIV on the amiga? vertical shooter tank and heli reminiscent of the arcade silkworm, but vertical instead of horizontal.

    So, that game, by sales curve, was a masterpiece of code as it would play the game from beginning to the end with simultaneous loading of titles for background and sprites and bob. Although it was said to load gfx and palletes simultaneously, it was done briefly during some places where no enemy sprites were there and a common background with general simple titles was displayed.

    Like the idea above, it was a brief pause of a second and it was during a level.

    At the end of a level with it's guardian, it would load again while the guardian was exploding.

    It was really clever into disguising the load,

    a loooot diferent from shadow of the beast 2 and 3 where everything except music would freeze for some 30 seconds...

    Anyway, just a set of ideas, hope it inspires.

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  • Hi,

    I have been playing with making games since the trs80 color(coco) computer's era.

    Made many but never fully completed a thing.

    The best time was during AMIGA time with AMOS where I managed to knock 2 sort of completed games. A 2x2 fight game and a plataformer.

    I have always been looking for engines to code games into and last week I found this!

    Excellent stuff, it is my first time using a higher maker non-coding program.

    Documentation seems hard at the moment, so I will be needing a lot of help and should provide some too from my discoveries.

    Anyway, it feels good again to be part of a game creating community,

    This all looks very promising!

  • Hi,

    this looks promising.

    A gem tool going on here.

    I'm in.

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Member since 4 Jun, 2009

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