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  • Yes, I am using the free version, and I had to place my HUD (hitpoints and ammo counter) on a parallax layer, which left me no choice but to place everything else on the same layer. I appreciate your offer to help.

    As I previously mentioned, when I collect the seed on the left side of the screen, the bullets fire normally, however, as I progress to the right side of the stage, the origin point of the bullet lengthens further and further along the (X axis) away from the player sprite. When you collect the first seed, fire it, and you will see it firing from the origin point. walk to the right (to the edge of the cliff) and fire some more, and you will notice the origin of the bullet has moved. I only have a single "Scroll-to" behavior set on the player sprite for the camera - no additional conditions.

    I have attached a link to the C3 file, and disabled the limited ammo count on the event sheet, that way you can simply collect the "seed" and fire it to see my problem.

    WASD - moves/jump

    SPACE - fire seed (after collecting one at beginning)

  • Apologies for the long title. I saw one other thread on this problem, but cannot find the solution. I have a 2D platformer, and I want the bullet (seed_bullet) to:

    fire from my player sprite (image point 1) when I collect the item, and press [spacebar] to "fire the bullet" (spawn object on player).

    When I am on the left side of the screen (my stage layout) the bullet spawns, and travels accordingly, however, as soon as I travel to the right, the bullet spawns and fires, but it spawns further away from my player. When I reach the far right side of stage, the seed is not even spawning in my layout. I have attached pictures of my event sheet for the bullet, as well as my layout, in case I am overlooking something, but I am stuck.

    The context:

    Player picks up seed, and gets his ammunition, then he can fire the bullet. I want the bullet to spawn from his Image Point 1 (which I have set to the player sprite). I am not concerned with directional facing yet... I cannot get the bullet to spawn even correctly.

  • I DID IT!!!! I'm not sure if I did it correctly (or the exact way you instructed me), but I found a way, it's less messy than before, and ultimately, IT WORKS - the toad moves incrementally and changes directions based on contact with a sprite.

    You mentioned adding another condition, and I looked up adding additional conditions - so I added a collision event, and "set mirror", then I just added the value check "is mirrored" to the enemy animation. I am sure I have no clue what I just typed, but I included a picture.

    Thank you for all your help!

  • However... I have another issue if you would like to continue this thread.

    I got the toad to move in the direction I wanted, and he "hops" - it is all perfect. However, I cannot get him to "mirror" his direction and proceed with his movements in the opposite direction.

    My context:

    set a Boolean (direction_left) with an initial value of true. Then I created a sprite to use as an invisible collision wall (collision_enemy_left).

    When the toad touches ("on collision with") the invisible wall, I "toggle" the Boolean to false

    Then, I repeat the same events as previous, only with the condition that "direction_left" is false (I inverted the event). Since the condition is false, I just reversed the enemy's movement (toad.X+.05).

    The enemy's animation cycle works, all the way up to him touching the wall. When he collides with the wall, the idle animation begins, but he just sits there, cycling the idle animation, and the sub events are not initializing.

    Would you have any idea what I am doing wrong?

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  • OMG it worked! THANK YOU! I looked up the "on animation" conditions you mentioned and set them up in the pic below.

    I turned off "looping" for the animations

    set the "idle" animation to play "on created", then when that finishes, I set the "move" animation to play, and looped it. The tricky part was setting up the movement, but I found the proper syntax, and now my toad hops! THANK YOU for your help and patience!

    Uploaded pic for future reference

  • Thank you for replying!

    The context (I believe):

    When the screen starts, I want the toad's idle animation to play once, then he "moves left" (hop animation) for 16 pixels (or some very short distance), and then the hop animation stops, and the idle animation begins again, for one cycle, and I want this to continue until the toad bumps into my collision wall and turns around (mirror) and repeats the action in the opposite direction.

    I set up the enemy with the platform behavior, and when I do the tutorial's "Every Tick" function, the toad just glides across the platform, and I would like to make him hop, then pause, do his idle animation, then hop again.

  • Sorry for the long title, I'm confused how to phrase my problem briefly. I drew an enemy (a toad), and he has an idle animation, and a hop. I want him to cycle the idle animation ONCE, then hop to the left ONCE, and repeat ad infinitum until he hits my collision wall to reverse (mirror) his animation, or the player stomps him. I cannot figure out how to set up the event sheet for this.

    I'm new to this, so please keep that in mind when typing answers - I may not know lingo or acronyms.

    Thank you

  • N00b rely, but I can see several ways to do this. I guess it depends on what kind of game you are looking to do? Old school like Shadowgate with no movement within the room, or perhaps like D where there is rotation in the room? I assume from your post that you want a more simplistic approach (like Shadowgate)?

    You could do like the previous reply and use global variables to track certain interactions and “quest” items. For the screens, you could use square sprites as interactive zones (keep invisible) and then when the player clicks the various squares, it teleports them to the next area (picture). I have wanted to make one of these types of games for years, myself, so keep us(me) updated!

  • igortyhon if you have the time, would you mind explaining why I need to use the "set Width to self.width*1.01"? When I was trying to figure this out, I was using the "scale" function, and it was not working out. Would you be able to explain why scale did not work, but your method does? Thank you again for your time and help.

  • Thank you! I'm happy that I at least had the basic formula correct, although I didn't which function to use. Thank you so much!

  • Total noob. I just finished the "Ghost Shooter" tutorial, and am trying to add new things to the game. I'd like to see how to get the "ghosts" to slowly increase in size the longer they remain on the screen, and I cannot figure this out. Help? Also, as mentioned, I am new, and know almost nothing about programming.


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