EnglishAcorn's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yudraciell

    Hello Yudraciell,

    As of r100 (The next C2 update), the ability to export to *.exe should be added. This will be released in a few days time.

    Within the game you are able to use a variety of objects such as arrays, webstorage, Dictionary etc... To store relevant data for your game. If this is not enough, you are able to communicate with a database via a PhP webpage, but this requires you writing your own PhP page. Alternatively information can be stored in XML format, where by you can send call backs to retrieve the information you want. But again this requires you to write your own XML tables.

    Concerning monetising your game/application. There are a variety of ways to do this now, either with thrid party portal sites such as Kongregate. Your own site. Or with the upcoming exporters. If you are able to code in Javascript, you can create your own objects to allow for the input of your own coding snippets.

    I am interested in which advertiser will allow you to paste code directly into an HTML5 application/game. I understand it is common with Flash games, but at the moment I understood most advertiser would prefer adverts to either be infront of the HTML5 application (Such as with Kongregate), or besides its (Such as with adsense).

    Hope that helps at least a little,


    <font color="red">Edit:</font> There is another forum post concerning monetising which you may like to read: http://www.scirra.com/forum/monetizing-our-games_topic55584.html

  • mmarcati

    The purpose for the Iframe is really to position the game on your webpage to where you want it. As well as for asthetics.

    If you are just running the game and nothing else, having a menu button which changes the webpage for that window/tab, will just change the webpage. Maybe that's all you want. Its worth exporting a small project and playing around with it live on a website.

    I think there may still be the limitation of keeping all the games on one domain. If I recall my experience when I tried to call urls external to my domain, I had to use a work around where I would call another url on my domain which then forwarded the client onto an external site. Otherwise it didn't work. But that was several C2 versions ago.

    If I get time I'll experiment. Otherwise the best thing to do is just play around with a few simple C2 projects to see if you can change url the way you'd like.

  • mmarcati

    I have an untested way to go about your problem. I was hoping to produce a tutorial about it in the near future if successful. It requires the following:

    -That your game be played through an iframe

    -All your games are hosted at the same domain

    -All games are the same dimension

    You first load up the url, which loades up an iframe with a 'Menu' project. Then from inside the project, the player selects the game they want to play. This creates an event to change the url (I.e. change webpage) in the same window as the C2 game (Iframes are like a layer above another webpage). You remain on the same webpage (due to iframe), but the webpage within the iframe changes. If this works, the result is, your first project acts like a menu.

    Hope that helps,


  • TELLES0808

    I'm not sure if this helps:


    I found the box behind the sprite animation editor. From there you can add new animations and rename them. Then in the events sheet you can change between the animations. Each animation has a set of different frames. Each animation can have its own loop, loop speed etc...

    Normally most people stick with the 'default' animation lable, unaware of the ability to add others.

    Let me know if you need another picture.

    All the best,


  • Off the top of my head, you may be able to use way points.

    Basically, each second, the system create an object at your mouse pointer's (x, y). And gives it a variable number (I.e. called "WP"). Each time adding +1 to the value, so you are left with a series of waypoints with ascending "WP" values.

    Your sprite has a variable, lets call it "Number". It compares the waypoints on screen and angles itself towards the waypoint if "Number" = "WP". It then moves at that angle. When your sprite collides with the waypoint, you add +1 to "Number", which means it then angles towards the next way point. And moves onward.

    If there are now waypoints with the same "WP" values or less than "Number" then your sprite dies.

    Each waypoint can also have another value which acts as a count down time, that when it is below 0, the waypoint is destroyed.

    Each waypoint is 'invisible', so can't be seen when the game is played.

    Hope that helps,


  • Depending on how intense your event coding is. If you are like me, and like creating and positioning you objects from the events editor, its fairly easy to duplicate events creating objects onto a different layer but in the same manor.

    I.e.> Start of Layout, create object, layer 1... Position

    Then, create same object, layer 2... same position.


  • shinkan

    Agh, I understand now. There is a work around for this using events for the time being. If all the images are already loaded into your game. You create a separate events sheet which programmes the layout, its looks, image positions etc.. You then 'include' this event sheets in other events sheets. So that upon a trigger it does what it needs to do. The downside being that you may need to add a layer on each layout. And it is not as efficient as the method you suggest.

  • I'm hoping to create a tutorial about this. From reading your post, if the fade is a transition between layouts the quickest way is as followed:

    After creating your layout add two layers. Set their background colour to black and have one with their transparency set to 'No' (I'll call fade-in layer). (I find using layers instead of a black pixel a little easier)

    At the beginning of the of the layout, set the fade-in layer's opacity to 100%, then 'Every Tick' set its opacity to 'Its own opacity - (dt*60)'. This should give a fade in effect.

    Do the reverse for the fade-out layer, then change layout when its opacity is greated than 99%

    Does that help?

  • Skillasaurus

    When you say:

    "Dang. So if I am having an Event with FamilyOne, I can't pick the same object from FamilyTwo by its UID or anything? Thanks"

    Do you mean there are various objects assigned to two familed. Something happens to One object from FamilyOne. You want to pick that object to then apply events applicable to FamilyTwo for that object?

    Or do you mean, if FamilyOne and FamilyTwo collide and the objects are both assigned to FamilyOne and FamilyTwo, how do I identify between them?

  • Depending on your intentions and development for the game, I would suggest using a text variable or global variable to keep track of your sprites attributes. I suggest this from experience, as it should provide more control over the sprite and reduce the chance of unexpected problems.

    In otherwords, you set the sprite's speed to a global variable 'Speed' constantly or at relavent events. If you want to increase your sprite's speed you alter the global variable and the rest follows. Then on each layout you create your sprite and set its variables to the appropriate global variable. While it may seem more time consuming at first, it can prevent confusing later on in your game. But different people have different progamming habits, so anyway is free.

  • TELLES0808

    From reading your post I think you are hinting at the following. Correct me if I am wrong:

    Firstly: Yes with the events editor you can do a lot of things with animation.

    Secondly: Beginners are generally not familiar with event programing methods

    Thirdly: Therefore to make C2 user friendly, include visual looping of frame tags in the animation editor. To better control which frames are looped.

    If this is the case, then the solution has already been implemented. Within the sprite animation editor, you are already able to edit and create new animations (to then label) for the same sprite. Its easy to miss this box that allows this, as I have found it hiding under the 'Sprite Editor'.

    You can therefore have 'animation run' frames 1-4, 'animation jump' frames 1-4, 'animation fall' 1-2 etc... Altering between the different lables.

    Is that what you are looking for? If not I apologies.

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  • TELLES0808

    Hmmm... From watching your video, it brings back a memory of something similar (I can remember the server error screen). I can't remember however what it was associated with.

    Have you tried altering your signature, then after the server error message, instead of hitting the "back button" trying to refresh. Alternatively, loging out then in and editting your signature.

    The more I think about it, the more the error rings a bell, but I can't remember how I went about it. Either, removing my signature completely, then saving, then adding it again. Alternatively, clearing cache waiting till a few hours later then trying again.

    But I do now think I can remember something like that happening before.

    Sorry I can't help more than that.

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