EnglishAcorn's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you Ashley.

  • No worries....

    If you haven't tried it yet, open up the Game.zip file that was created and delete the app.manifest, you can then upload you game to the Arcade no problem.

  • Problem Description

    After exporting for the Scirra arcade. The app.manifest which is created within the game.zip create a a conflict and prevents the game from being uploaded to the arcade (file extension conflict/not recognised)

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Export Capx via Scirra Arcade export format... Upload to Scirra Arcade File extension not recognised Delete app.manifest from .Zip file File can be uploaded
  • A very good point. I think the Three.js community is great as well at continuously developing their library. When I was considering 3D javascript development, the attraction to Babylon was mainly their development into the more game related aspects of 3D game design. But these can be produced with Three of course, albeit it requires a little more work.

    I look forward to exploring your plugin and will probably produce a YouTube video of it at some point in the near future.

    Keep up the good work.

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  • Wow, that's a very impressive plugin. No doubt a lot of work has gone into it. I was considering something similar looking into both three.js and babylon.js although my direction's changed now.

    What made you choose three.js over babylon.js or another 3D Javascript library?

    I've just bought your plugin, but I'd be interested, do you have a roadmap of future updates?

  • Hey, thank you for your comment. I've moved the download link here:


    The zip files contains several Capx files. However I have not had the time to update their C2 version to the current one, so you may need to edit some of the events. However, comments are provided in the the Capx files.



  • SquareMation : Thank you for your response.

    ALLMarkMade : Hey, I've been away from Scirra for quite some time. Non the less I've [finally] returned. I've re-uploaded the .Capx including the other files I was originally hosting. You can find this at the following link: englishacorn.com/construct2/old-capx-files

    While the .Capx files themselves seem to work as before in the C2 previewer. The HTML exporter has been updated several times, as has the C2 version. You may need to twig some elements within the .Capx file. For the laser example, I think I bundled in three different files. One is annotated and should explain my thinking behind the effect. I hope it helps.

    Cheers, Adam.

  • immanuela - Until recently I had been away from any Construct 2 activity. I've also previously taken my Kongregate games down. So I'm assuming nothing new has happened since I last was involved with C2.

    Concerning the highscore, from what I can remember, you should see the highscore tab besides your game within the first few days if not as soon as it's up. I understand they've changed the interface, but there should be a highscore tab there.

    My suggestions are, to double check that the variable name inside the C2 file is the same as you call it within the Kongregate interface when you set up the game. Also, try to avoid capitalised letters, I began only using lowercase in the variable names for Kong due to previous experience. On top of this, if you can have your C2 file update the score to Kong regularly (after each level etc..) with the highscore type being that of the players best score. If you only send the score at the end of your game, and if players don't finish the game, then the highscore table entry will be bare.

    If I can find the time, I'll try to experiment a bit more to see if anything has changed.

    Hope that helps... also if you still have difficulty, if you can provide more info, that'll help.


  • felixsg, thank you for your compliments. I will continue ;)

    sqiddster, I am indeed planning on continuing to expand the project and develop it further. I've had a few set back again time wise, hence the lack of content and resulting to bringing older tutorials, downloads forward. But after this weekend away and Christmas, I should get more time to add more content.

    On top of this, I still plan to pay others for articles/reviews etc... or allow authors to accept/recieve sponsorship/donations for any content they submit at the discretion of the reader. Currently, this feature is available but it doesn't discriminate between the authors, instead lumping any contributions into a single pot.

    I've temporarily removed the following heading: Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Games, Non-games, Q&A, Feedback, Plugins... until I create the relevant content.

    All the best,


    If successful, I'm hoping at some point to be able to fund, if only by a little some of the plugin development projects to help extend C2. As well as provide relevant game/app templates to those who need them. Amongst other things.

  • Originally I had a long list of .Capx file examples, concerning different aspects of a game of which I wanted to create and provide for others to download. If reference to a previous "Simple Menu Screen" I had created. The plan was to create two more complex menus, the second more so than the first. In the end I've just created one due to time issues.

    An example of the Game Title Menu can be found in the arcade, go there by visiting the following link:

    Click Here!

    Also, I've provided a video overview of the different aspects of the .Capx file, this can be found here:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    On top of this you can download the .Capx file from here:

    Click Here!

    All the best,


    **Update 06/12/2013:

    -Removed broken and redundant links.

  • sqiddster

    In a less formally written reply. I like your game "AirScape". Great and original idea, nice music. Plays very well. So, thumbs up. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • sqiddster; No worries. I think we're on the same wavelength concerning the premium content. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    With the vast majority of posts and articles being free to read and view. But also with free access to many of the videos, tutorials and content (Audio files, sprite packages, Capx files).

    By premium 'content' I was referring more to the game assets, fuller .Capx files and possibly certain [more in depth & detailed] video tutorials etc... A small premium being required to access or use them.

    Or alternatively a voluntary sponsorship of the item (I.e. An option to donate a small sum to the author/artist/creator).

    'Promotion of Construct 2' will be written into the mission statement. So restricting content is not therefore in the best interests of the ezine. As you rightly suggest, it may be a dangerous move.

    Further to this point, I'm hoping to emulate [at least by part] the spirit of motivation behind the Scirra Team in producing Construct 2. Taking a quote from the interview by www.prweb.com:

    <font color=green><font size="2">"Authors have total freedom to distribute their creations without restriction. "A drawback of other tools is you have to publish through the vendor's channels" says Director Thomas Gullen. "Our tool gives the authors total control.""</font></font>

    Likewise, I'm not planning on restricting the site with price tags, but wanted to have the option available for some content. Allowing for the compensation of time spent in their creation. I believe such things will contribute to the longevity of the site, as well as promote others into the creation of assets which should help with the promotion and interest of Construct 2.

    What's your opinion on this?

    Also, the option of collating articles and posts withing a certain time frame (E.g. each month) is being considered. So as to edit them into a pdf, formatted into an electronic copy of a magazine; either for download or print. This however may incur a cost for those interested.

    The limitations on web traffic economies of scale will of course, dictate some what. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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