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  • you rock!! it works! now i should be able to finnish the beta by the end of the week

    i guess i was putting a space between & and global('timer') or some thing like that. (but why does it usually accept that?) but none the less thank you very much!

  • every thing should work fine..... i have gotten it to work with .obj exported from maya so i don't think the program matters.

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  • if i type in global('timer') nothing happens

    as in it accepts the code but when i run it in debug the key doesn't get created... there has got to be a way to do it though.


    you are a genius! ... why didn't i think of this... i actually only thought of making it bigger

  • i am making a game similar to guitar hero. the notes are stored in external files (hash tables). currently i have 2 applications. an encoder and a decoder. the game works around a simple time mechanism.

    every 100 milliseconds add 1 to global var 'time'

    that is basically what i did for the timer. here is how i want the program to work. i want to store the note as a vale in the hash table. i want the keys to be named as the current 'time' variable.

    unfortunately i cannot figure out how to name a key after a variable. however construct wont let me do the following : & global('time')

    this is under key name.

    here is the real problem, if i cant have the keys automatically named and recalled from a simple string my encoding and decoding system will not work....

    does anyone have any ideas.....

  • no it is low poly.... probably less than 37 faces..... the model im testing it on is just a plain sphere.

  • good to see I'm not the only one with this problem.... could this be a bug in construct or is it just user error? the more i look into this makes me think it's a bug or something. then again it might just be the computer..... its very unlikely though as my machine has NEVER had any problems with 3d graphics before now...

    my specs are below if any one is interested

    processor= intel celeron 2.6GHz

    ram= 2.43 GB ddr2

    graphics chip= VIA Chrome 9 hc igp family

    my comp is an 2003 Emachine. but i just replaced the motherboard a little over a year ago... as a result all the components are new except for the processor. the graphics card if you haven't guessed already is built in to the motherboard. besides speed issues(it can be really slow sometimes) the only problem it has given me is that it sometimes over heats and crashes when i play a graphic intensive game at a high resolution.... (i fixed this problem by pointing a fan at it so this does not do this anymore) is it possible that it is a glitch in the graphics chip or something? but then again if that were the case then the 3d box plugin would not work (which it does).

    this is getting kind of annoying

  • 1. my problem is not with the textures, it is that it wont load into construct.

    2. using appath does not help but thanks any ways.

    3. is there anyway to upload a .cap to this topic so i can show you EXACTLY what i am doing?

    4. it does not seem to matter how i type in the file path i still get the same result.

  • no i did not use quotes... i have tried with and without textures as well as other file types such as .3ds which i read were marked compatible.

  • I've been looking for documentation on this object for quite some time now... it's not even listed in the construct wiki... nor have i been able to find tutorials for it.... I've tried messing with it for a couple of days trying to figure it out... i have had no luck what so ever. i am unable to even load a model.

    under model path i type "F:/"model name".obj"

    however this does nothing. nothing shows up in the layout editor or in the preview when i run it.

    before i used to make my models, render images of them, shrink the images, and load them into construct as sprites... this is a lot of work!!! so when i found out that the new version of construct had the capability of directly importing my models, i was so happy. i thought it would save me a lot of time, and i still do think it will save me time. so if anyone could help me use this new feature i would really appreciate it.

  • personally id like to see construct support the developement of 3D games.... if not i'd atleast like to be able to use 3D models as the main character.. allow me to explain. besides making games in construct, my other hobby is 3D modeling so i have lots of character models lying aroung on my hardrive. it would be nice if construct would support the rigging data of the model so that animating characters would be relatively easy. id realy like to see this implemented because doing decent quality animations with sprites is needlessly difficult.

    also encryption would be nice.

  • thanks i diddn't know there was a spiffic operation like that in system

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