Rick16's Recent Forum Activity

  • Like, to compile for linux (using OpenGL), compiled for Mac OSX, iPhone, and the Zeebo (with OpenGL ES 1.1)

    How would it work?

    Before making the game, choose the video platform (DirectX, SDL, OpenGL and the like), then when the game is ready, the Construct create an editable (. Cpi), and hence could pick any compiler.

    What do you think?

    Sugira uma tradu��o melhor

  • Hello, I was creating a game, and wanted to add an effect, like, an object of another born and grow in another. Is to do this? How is it done?

  • 1 - This is not the session to post this

    2 - Do not post any easy engines makes the first one seen in the Construct

  • For Zeebo ?

  • Hello Guys, wanted in future versions of Construct, there were several compilers, games made for it could be released for other platforms beyond the PC, as Zeebo that requires OpenGL ES and Brew.


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  • Aff, vcs n�o mto foda doido !, e eu � sou idiota, nem estupdo,que melda,� posso nem sonhar em paz


  • [quote:2s2kcgf7]this has to be a joke

    I laughed

    I got a engine in the SO construct, if you want, send you by MP

  • Ok, Ashley.

    I create a OS in Windows XP, the name is : Conix.

    They have their own system applications

  • [quote:ckmhcxrb]It's impossible in Construct, you need specialist tools to make your own OS.

    Impossible, impossible? It is indeed possible, consider a system that opens above the windows, as a portable system with simple functions, I've done this in the construct.

  • [quote:2gn7go1l]great I'm brazilian too so that's definitely a good idea to spread the 'news' about contruct to the people here...

    Yes, i'm refreshing forum, to new tutorials, and comics python tutorials

  • Hello Forum Scirra Personal Construct, I am Brazilian, since I started using the construct literally fell in love with him, learned to use it only stirring it, because there are no tutorials in Portuguese on the construct, so I created a forum on the construct, to pass my knowledge people who have interest in it.

    The Forum is constructbrasil.forumeiro.net

    Evaluate, whoever wants to sign and help the forum.

    One more thing, ask directly to the creators of the construct, if this forum could be the official Brazilian.

    I thank

    Translated by google translator

  • I think the Construct should have a plugin to have support for ActiveX controls that kind of MMF2 and Visual Basic. So increase the functionality of the Construct.

    And I also think the Construct should have a support SDL and OpenGL

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Member since 20 Mar, 2009

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