Android-Music's Recent Forum Activity

  • Some experiments with awesome lighting effects:

    Gaaah it's March and I'm not finished yet! I have some interesting excuses though :)

    Perhaps you know a game called "Intrusion 2"... I'm the guy behind the soundtrack. The game has got "IGF Finalist" badge(technical excellence), so Alexey Abramenko, the guy who made this game, was invited to IGF and GDC. He suggested me to visit those events and asked to help him with some minor stuff thereas well. Sure that was awesome news but later we've confronted one serious problem: money. I was trying to find some cash for 2 months but had no luck with work, plus I got insomnia and some problems with my right arm(uncomfortable pc table), I had to stay at home but now everything is fine so I can finally work without any issues :)

    I'm planning to launch fundraiser soon(hopefully this month, demo is gonna be available as well! Please tell me if you like the idea, that's important to me! :)

    Oh and btw could you guys recommend me any voice actors? I'm currently searching for girl voices but any other voices are cool too, I've got many characters in mind, imporant things - sound quality and pronouncing!

    Any other suggestion about my game are welcome, like always! ;)

  • Great looking! I see your style improved a lot! Blight is your previous project, am I right? Really digging visuals, water looks great too! And that badass warrior - neat work on textures!

  • Hey damainman! Game is pretty cool, couldn't finish Halloween one(don't remember why, I played it long ago). Maybe add some small simple puzzles to the game? Or some other gameplay elements? It becomes slightly boring if you play more than 10 minutes, you know, I face this problem quite frequently when developing games, so now I'm trying to add something extra-extra to my current project.

    But once again, the game is awesome, the atmosphere makes this game great! :)

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  • A frame from my teaser video

  • Hey that's awesome, oppenheimer, thanks a lot! Btw never thought about pixellize solution before! :D

    I'm thinking of speed like an fps or refresh rate, can't explain that correctly...

    Btw: I once metioned that in another topic but forgot to add it here - is it possible to make a glow(outer) and inner glow like in Flash?

  • Looking good! And music fits very well!

  • A mini boss test pic

    It's not a final version, just a placeholder, the final one will look badass!

    I love how the project progresses, can't show you much cause what happens these days is mostly a code/logic work and some design decisions, however I'm preparing some awesome stuff, you'll like it for sure, guys!

    Please spread a word about this game if you like it, that would be kickass!

    Also: there's a huge possibility new demo will be available for you guys to test it out near the end of February or very early March, keep in touch!

  • Thanks guys!!!

    Decided to make a 3D gun preview, no glow effects unfortunately, had to render in hardware mode(plus I'm not an experienced 3D artist)


    Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to implement some real 3d guns in the game, not for direct ingame use but a weapon preview - you know, that cool horizontal gun rotation - unitybeta4versionvideo

  • Demetari, huh, just tried this and it crashes on my pc too, Win7 64 :D

  • I understand that might haven't been added for some possibly obvious reasons but what if it's still possible...

    1)Behind Glow

    Ah those nice days with behind glow...That was awesome with Construct Classic! Why not add the same thing to C2? I used to combine it with some other effects and got an awesome picture in the end :)

    2)Add "radius" parameter to glow and blur effects

    3)Add "grain size" and "speed" to noise effect

    4)Motion Blur(I know it's almost impossible but hey I have dreams too)

    I guess that's all for now.

  • Nemo I think you misunderstood me a bit. When I export to HTML5 I get a 13mb folder with HTML5 game which is perfectly fine but when I export to standalone(win, osx) I get a 55 mb folder(it's a "Win" folder) which is not ok.

    Guess I'll have to move .wav files to some other folder just to keep em in case, seems like it's the only workaround for me right now.

    EDIT: strange, removing .wav files doesn't work, even after saving and restarting.

    EDIT2: tried creating a new project, export, BAH - 108MB!!! Something is definitely wrong either with my pc or with C2 but it's not a sound problem(what a relief).

    EDIT3: checked original node-webkit from and decided to check original .exe size - gah how could I miss the fact node-webkit .exe is 33 mb itself!!!

    My apologies, gentlemen, guess there's no problem anymore! And sorry, Nemo, haven't read your post carefully!

  • Ashley, I understand .wav is not included when exporting to mobile and HTML5(right?), it's just, you know, every time I export via node-webkit I get a 124 mb folder where Win version is 55mb and Mac is even 68, I suspect .wav files and m4a files are included in the exported build cause Win version is almost same size as my project. When exporting to HTML5 I get a 13mb folder and after deleting m4a files it even gets to 8.9 mb.

    Are you sure everything's alright?

    Tell me if I'm required to provide my pc info or the project itself please, what if it's a bug or something else?

    Anyone having same problem here?

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Member since 3 Mar, 2009

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